Dinner Nightmare

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I can't believe this was happening I would do anything by now to keep everything together between Kenny and I, when I cheated it was to get back at Kenny but now it has turned into me choosing between my family and Daniel. Janet said she had some things she found out about him that I'm not going to believe but she will tell me tonight at dinner.


Babyface: Baby I can't believe you cooked all this food

Toni: Well I know it's been a while since we have done this so I said why not cook all of the favorites

Babyface: I know you did good and I have to say you are glowing in that green dress

Toni: Thank You I ordered it from Fashion Nova a few days ago

Babyface:Its very sexy

Toni: As Always ( kissing him on the lips) you look handsome

Babyface: You keep that up we won't be making it to dinner

Toni: I know

Ding Dong! Knock! Knock!

Toni: I will get the door,Ken will you set the table

Babyface: Sure

Toni takes a deep breath before Opening the door

Janet: Hey Tone I came a little early, but not early enough damn if I was Kenny you wouldn't be wearing that dress right now

Janet: Hey Tone I came a little early, but not early enough damn if I was Kenny you wouldn't be wearing that dress right now

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Toni's Dress

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Toni's Dress

Toni: Ha Ha Ha real funny

Janet: So sexy I'm going to barrow it tomorrow

Toni: If it's not ripped off of me

Janet: Yea I can see why, and you are glowing did you take the test?

Toni: No not yet I can't I'm too nervous

Janet: We can take the test later but for now I think there is something you need to see about Daniel

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