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As I'm laying in bed with Toni I can't deny my feelings for her any longer but I don't want to come on too strong I always said I wouldn't mix business with pleasure but I can't help that I'm falling in love with her .

As Toni slept Babyface noticed she snuggled into him while sleeping he wrapped his arms around her


As I wake up in Kenny arms I think about the dream I had about Kenny and I we got married and we had beautiful kids together everything was so perfect maybe one day that dream will come true

Toni: Good Morning

Babyface: Morning

Toni: Did you sleep well?

Babyface: Yea much better than the sofa

Toni: Would you like some breakfast?

Babyface: Yes but it will be done by me

Toni: Ok I'm going to shower up first we have to be in the Ballroom at 8 to start the auditions

Babyface: Ok

When Toni came out Babyface had breakfast in bed for her to enjoy

Toni: Aww how sweet it looks delicious,thank you

Babyface: You are welcome,  and while you eat I'm going to go shower and get ready

Toni:Ok You have 30 mintues


Toni: I enjoyed my breakfast

Babyface: I'm glad you did If you were my wife you would get breakfast like that every day

Toni smiles

Babyface: Ready?

Toni: I just need to put on my lipstick

Babyface: They are beautiful without it

Toni: Thanks but I would feel naked with out it ok now I'm ready

Babyface: Ok let's get started

After 12hrs of auditions the day finally ended

Babyface: What a day

Toni: I agree so did you find what you were looking for?

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