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As I sat there holding Nicole's baby a overwhelming feeling came over me, thinking about what Kenny and I have been going through lately and how I wish things could get back to the way it was before the distance became between us, I'm not sure where we went wrong but I want my family back.

Toni: What do you mean in a way ?

Nicole: I wanted to ask you and Kenny to be God parents, but I wanted to wait until both of you were in the room

Toni: Oh I would love to but of course we have to talk this over with Kenny

Nicole: I wanted someone I could trust to take care of my baby if anything happens to me

Toni: Sure I truly understand Towanda is the god mother to Peyton, Tamar wanted the role but my mother suggested Towanda instead

As Nicole and Toni finish talking Babyface and LA return to the hospital, standing out side the door hearing what Nicole was saying

Knock knock

Babyface: Hey, how is the new mommy and baby doing

Nicole: I feel great im overwhelmed with joy I can't believe he's mine

Babyface: Thats how I felt about Peyton

Toni: Ken, while you and LA were away Nicole has asked us to be God parents

Babyface: Really?

Nicole: Yes I see how you and Toni take care of Peyton I really want that for my baby as well

Babyface: Wow

Nicole: You don't have to say yes now just think about it

Toni: Well speaking of Peyton I need to pick her up from my mother

Babyface: I will give you a call tomorrow

Toni: Ok see you later, congratulations Nicole

Nicole: Thank You

Toni: Bye Baby __

Nicole: His name is Kendal

Toni: Love it Bye Baby Kendal

LA: Yea I need to leave too I got to get back to work Janet is there with some new artist

Babyface: Ok see you later

Nicole: Thanks for everything

LA: No Problem


Babyface: I can't believe he's here

Nicole: Me Either

Babyface: There is something we need to talk about

Nicole: I know, you want a DNA test

Babyface: Yes but just to clear the air

As Toni reach the elevator realizing she has left her keys in the room, she walks in seeing Babyface holding Kendal making questions go off in her head

Nicole: Hey did you forget something?

Toni: Yea my keys

Babyface: Here they are they were over here by the window

Toni: Thank You, well I must go

Babyface: Toni wait, I'm gonna walk you to your car I would like to talk for a minute

Toni: Ok sure I will meet you at the elevator

Nicole: Bye Tone

Babyface: Hey I know things have been a bit confusing lately but I would like things to get back on track with us

Toni: That would be nice for Peyton to be in a stable environment again she misses you

Babyface: Does mommy miss me too?

Toni (laugh a little) Yea I do

Babyface: And I want to say I'm sorry for the stupid things

Toni: Apology accepted

Babyface: I will see you later tonight, family night right?

Toni: Yes


Nicole: Is everything ok?

Babyface: Yes, when will the test be done

Nicole: Shes on her way now

Babyface: Are you nervous?

Nicole: No not really, I know either way he will be loved

(A hour later)

Babyface: I have to be honest I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this, how will I tell Toni

Nicole: It can be between us she doesn't have to know

Babyface: And us being god parents?

Nicole: You still can be

Babyface: How soon will we have the results?

Nicole:In a few hours

Babyface: Is that why you named him Kendal

Nicole: Yes I wanted him to have a part of your name

Babyface: Eventually Toni is going to figure that out

Nicole: Lets just hope for the best

( Results come in)

Nicole opens the envelope

Nicole: Omg I can't believe this

Babyface grabs the paper and takes a deep breath before reading 99.99%  You Are The Father he sits down on the sofa in disbelief

Babyface: Omg how am I going to explain this

Nicole: What are we going to do?

Babyface: Just like you said Toni must never know we will be God parents and that's it but he will never know the difference

Nicole: Thank You Kenny

Babyface: I would never turn my back on you or my child

?? : Your What?

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