The Truth {2}

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As Toni hears what I just said she slowly sits down at the table grabbing a glass of wine sipping it not saying a word. I was scared to move let alone ask her any questions, this side of Toni I have never seen she was beyond mad with me and I could tell by the look in her eyes.

{ Slowly walking up to Babyface with knife}

Toni: Im so mad I could kill you but because we have a little girl upstairs that need us I wont, but you're lucky { trailing the knife down his chest causing him to jump when she touch his manhood }

Babyface: Toni! Don't! Please! Put the knief down

Toni: Not until you answer my question

Babyface: Ok what is it?

Toni: Is the baby yours?

Babyface: No, it's not it's Keri she tried to tell him but he denied the baby and wants nothing to do with her

Toni:Ok explain this picture

Babyface: Since Keri is not there with her to go through Parenting classes she asked me to come with her and stating the facts we already took them it's only natural and when we finished she wanted to do a little shopping

Toni: And that's something you couldn't talk to me about before I saw it this morning?

Babyface: This morning? Tone what are you talking about

Toni: This morning you were in the shower and your phone alerted

Babyface: And?

Toni: So I picked it up while making the bed and read the message just in case it was important

{ Babyface checks his messages}

Babyface:If you would've said something about this, this morning we wouldn't be having this conversation

Toni: No if you would've talked to me first before you made any decisions with MY friend we wouldn't be having this conversation

{ Payton starts to cry}

Babyface: I will get her { going upstairs}

{ After getting Peyton back to sleep they finish talking}

Babyface: Tone do you trust me?

Toni: Yes

Babyface: I don't think so not acting like this

Toni: I have a reason to, this picture says alot

Babyface: Tone we have only beenarried a couple of months and you are having trust issues already

Toni; You would too if you saw me with a guy I worked with like this and I didn't tell you what was going on

Babyface: No cause I trust you, to come talk to me

Toni: Whatever Kenny that's because it hasn't happened but Karma is a bitch

Babyface: What does that suppose to mean

Toni: Just wait and you shall see

Babyface: Ok you want to play games we can

Toni: And? What are you going to do?

Babyface: Tone don't play with me

Toni: Ha! You don't have the balls

Babyface: Thats why Tamar is sleeping with  Keri causing a marriage to break up

Toni: What?

Babyface: Yes Keri cheated on Nicole with Tamar that's why they are divorcing

Toni: Omg I can't  believe this,why would Tamar-

Babyface: I don't know but Nicole is devastated and with the baby and all the stress she just needs a shoulder to lean on right now, that's why I'm coming in so late I was at our house

Toni: Im gonna kill tamar! She just don't know when to stop and wait, did you say our house? Are saying she's staying at our condo?

Babyface: Yes Keri kicked her out just until I can find her a new house

Toni: Kenny you should've talked to me before all of this stuff came out

Babyface: She asked me not to at first

Toni: She told you not to? So why now?

Babyface: She told me we should talk before things get out of control

Toni: We are going over there in the morning

Babyface: Tone you are going to ruin your friendship over nothing?

Toni: No I'm just want to talk woman to woman because as her friend she could've came to ME or Janet not my husband

Babyface: Tone you have nothing to worry about

Toni: Are you sure ?

Babyface: I'm sure baby I love you more than anything in this world

Toni: I love you too but for not calling you are on the guest bedroom for 2 weeks and no sex for 4 weeks

Babyface: Really !? Tone ? Come on !

Toni: Yes bye!! Maybe next time you will think to call your wife Mr " Never Keeping Secrets"

{ Toni and Kenny Condo}

{Nicole opens the door  seeing Kenny standing there at first}

Nicole: Hey what are you doing here ?

Babyface: I came to check on you

Nicole: Im doing ok a little morning sickness but other than that I'm ok

Babyface: Thats good,Are you eating?

Nicole: A little

Babyface: Come on you have to eat for yourself and the baby

Nicole: Ok I will cook some Sauage and Waffles

Babyface: There is something I need to tell you

{ Doorbell Rings, Opens door }

Nicole: Toni?

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🚨My new book " The Marriage Counselor" will be released tomorrow can't wait to read everyone comments! 🤗🚨

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