I Need To Know pt 2

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{ Emory Hospital}


As Daniel and I stand there looking and the baby something came over me like peace letting me know everything was going to be ok with Toni soon Ms E came and stood by me touching me on my shoulder motioning me to come talk to her

Ms E : Hey son how are you holding up?

Babyface: Im trying to be strong for Toni and the baby they are counting on me not to break

Ms E: I know son,I know and you have done a good job of that lately

Babyface: Thank You I know I have made my mistake in the past but losing Toni everything would change

Ms E: She and I know you are sorry and it's ok,son (hugging him) I went to Toni room to pray for her and while I was praying for her she squeezed my hand I alerted the nurse and Toni opened her eyes

Babyface: Shes awake ? Can I see her?

Ms E: Yes she's waiting for you, I will stay here visiting my beautiful grandson

While Babyface rushed to Toni room Ms. E takes the time to talk to Daniel

Ms. E: So Daniel I hear you are Kenny's twin brother

Daniel: Yes ma'am

Ms E: I also know there is a possibility baby Edmonds could be your son?

Daniel: How did you know about that but?

Ms E: A mother has eyes and ears everywhere

Daniel: Yes there is a possibility I'm the father

Ms E: So what are you going to do if you are ?

Daniel: Kenny said we were going to sit down after the test results come in and talk things out

Ms E: Ok long as there is a plan I'm ok with it,I also know we all make mistakes but I'm letting you know if you cause any problems to this baby my grandson you are gonna have to answer to me,are we clear?

Daniel: Yes ma'am we are clear

Ms E: Good ( hugs him) we are all family no matter what son

Daniel: Thank You for making me feel loved


As Babyface walks to Toni room he takes a deep breath as he enters


I walk in seeing Toni awake and smiling as I walked into the room I exhaled as I feared the worst just moments ago I thought I would never see her smile again,she's my heart I thank god for blessing me with Toni and our son

Babyface: Hey you are awake

Toni: Yes, what happen?

Babyface: During the C-section there were some complications and you almost died

Toni: Oh, Is the baby ok?

Babyface: Hes fine he's healthy and I can't wait for you to see him

Toni: I want you to wheel me to the nursery

Babyface: Toni I don't think you are strong enough to do that right now I can call your nurse

Toni: No Kenny, Im fine take me please

Babyface: Ok I will get you a wheel chair

Babyface wheel Toni to the nursery to see baby Edmonds Daniel is also standing there

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