Unhappily Ever After

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Six months ago Kenny moved back in the house at first things went smoothly he showed me how he could be a loving father and husband but then things started to change he had more studio sessions and he stared helping Nicole prepare for the baby as I'd he was the father,Janet told me how Nicole sleeps with women husband and trick them into having a baby with them by drugging them but all of them has failed so as a result of everything Kenny is moving out

Babyface: I think that's everything

Toni: Kenny I can't believe this is happening

Babyface: I can cause you don't trust me and the love is not there like it use to be

Toni: It would be there if we spent more time together as a family Peyton needs you

Babyface: Toni you already know have this business works and you know I'm going to be there for Pey but us it's too much right now

Toni: So that's it you are just leaving, your not going to fight for us?

Babyface: That's what got us here in the first place us fighting

Toni: What if we go through counseling

Babyface: Right now we just need some space and we can maybe go from there

Toni: So where are you going to live ?

Babyface: Right now our condo downtown and then after that I don't know

Toni: Ken think about how it's going to make Peyton feel

Babyface: I will be there for her whenever she needs me

Toni: Are you sure about this?

Babyface: Yes im sure we can't keep fighting like this

Toni starts to cry as Babyface continued to put things in his car and closing the door

Babyface: I will call you next week with visitation ect.

Toni: Ok fine

As Babyface drove away Toni heart was broken in pieces as she slides down the door with her knees to her chest , Peyton was at Ms E house as Toni was alone dealing with what has become of her marriage


Toni and I have grown apart in the last six months a few months after I came home things were fine but as I got more and more artist to work with the more Toni got jealous and we started to fight. She said I loved my work more than I love her and Peyton and that was not true so for now I'm going to give her some space

L.A. : Kenny what are you doing, you and Toni have been together for too long for this to happen

Babyface: Toni and I are just not seeing eye to eye right now

LA: What happen?

Babyface: Toni felt like I worked too much and she never really got over that's situation with Nicole

LA: The situation with Nicole was kind of crazy

Babyface: I know it sounds crazy but for a moment I fell in love with her

LA: How ?

Babyface: Shes smart, funny, independent and most of all beautiful

LA: Not as beautiful as Toni

Babyface: I know but it's something about her I like

LA: I don't think it's worth it

Babyface: Shes due any day now and I'm just being there for her

LA: What about Toni being there for her

Babyface: Every since she found out about what happened she doesn't trust her as much so she has kept her distance

LA: Janet told me you bought her a house?

Babyface: Keri only left her with $50,000 in her account she had no where to go she just asked for a favor that's all

LA: Was it a favor or a loan ?

Babyface: It was a favor,I did it out of the kindness of my heart

LA: I know, but watch your back Janet told me some things about her

Babyface: Thanks but I can handle it, will you hand me the next box please
Toni: Jan he just left me( crying)

Janet: No that doesn't sound like Kenny

Toni: Im telling you the truth all of his stuff is gone he says he needs his space

Janet: But why? I don't understand I thought you and Kenny were working it out

Toni: Thats what I thought, he said he couldn't take my jealous ways any more

Janet: What jealous ways?

Toni: A few months back Kenny started spending more time at the studio and getting home late I felt like he wasn't just at the studio

Janet; Where else coune he be Tone you know he's a hit maker and he's going to be working alot so why be jealous

Toni: I think he's spending time with Nicole again

Janet: I have to say I have seen her a few times with him but it was just lunch I promise nothing more

Toni: So what are you saying?

Janet:Im saying you need to take some time and get back in the studio and sing you know singing is your therapy

Toni: Maybe you are right

Janet; I know I'm right,mother always is

Toni: Lol you are so silly

Janet: Now come on let's go have margarita it's Friday Taco night

Toni: Ok let me change my clothes I will be ready in 10 mintues

Janet: Hurry up! It's ladies night and happy hour drinks and food are 1/2 off

Babyface: Thanks for helping me get settled in

LA: You know I'm always here for you brother and if you need anything call me

Babyface: I will, let's order some hot wings and a beer 

LA: Ok sounds good it's Friday Night football

Babyface: Ok first I need to check on something

LA: You mean Nicole?  Kenny I'm not blind

Babyface: Im just checking on her it's harmless

LA: Yea that's what you say wait until she finds out you and Toni are separated

Babyface: Shes pregnant she's due any day now what's the worst could happen?

I know LA is looking out for me but I can handle whatever Nicole throws my way, I'm not sure what is going to happen between Toni and I but right now space is what need to make things work better for our marriage  I still love her and our beautiful daughter I just need some time to figure things out

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