Pulse (2)

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As I sit there waiting for the doctor to come in the family waiting room,waiting for a doctor to tell us any updates to Toni Tamar is pacing the floor asking the nurse every 10 mintues has she found out anything making my stress level go from 100 to 1000 Ms E could tell I was worried then and there we had family prayer it was the first time in a long time we were able to come together without drama. For once we were able to make peace with everyone Ms E asked us to for Toni sake and I agreed. As Ms E said amen a group of doctors came in

Doctor: Edmonds Family? Kenny Edmonds ?

Babyface: Yes,I'm Kenny Edmonds Toni husband and this is her family the Braxtons

Doctor: Hi, Im Dr. Matthews and this is Toni team of doctors that has been assigned to her case here at the hospital

Babyface: Its nice to meet you all how is Toni?

Dr. M: Mr.Edmonds it was alot of work and Toni is a fighter as well but she's stable but I have her in a medical induced coma so her body can heal from the trama

Babyface: Trama? What kind of Trama?

Dr M: I'm sorry but Toni tried to kill herself there were a lot of meds in her system and if it would've been 30 mintues late she would no longer be with you but like I said shes strong and she will come back but it's going to be a slow process

Babyface: When can I see her

Dr.M: Right now I'm only suggesting 2 people at a time I don't want her to be overwhelmed

Babyface: Can she hear us if we talk to her?

Dr M: Yes she can hear you but only positive things don't say anything to stress her

Babyface: Ok, how long will she be in the coma ?

Dr. M: Just for 2 weeks and depending her stats I will slowly bring her out but for now she needs rest

Babyface: Ok thank you for saving her

Dr. M: Youre Wekcome I will call you if any changes happen

Babyface: Is there anything that we could do to make her comfortable?

Dr. M: just make her room feel like home and again only positive things

Babyface:Ok we will do that

Dr. Matthews made sure that everything was private as possible for Toni and I including her own private nurses and security at the door at all time at her private suite I wanted Toni to be as comfortable as possible no matter what her out come may be

 Matthews made sure that everything was private as possible for Toni and I including her own private nurses and security at the door at all time at her private suite I wanted Toni to be as comfortable as possible no matter what her out come may be

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As Ms E and I walked in to see Toni she looked so peaceful as tears ran down my face Ms E hugged me telling " it's going to be ok son,God has already worked it out, shes going to get through this and so will you" I sigh as I wipe my eyes with a Kl...

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As Ms E and I walked in to see Toni she looked so peaceful as tears ran down my face Ms E hugged me telling " it's going to be ok son,God has already worked it out, shes going to get through this and so will you" I sigh as I wipe my eyes with a Kleenex. As Ms E prayed and talked with Toni I texted Nicole checking on Peyton and giving her a update on Toni's condition and Janet as well as she is filling in for me at Laface until further notice.

Babyface: Toni baby it's me Kenny I hope you can hear me I want you to know how much I love you and don't worry about Peyton your sisters and I will make sure she's taken care of

Ms E: We love you and me and your father is going to be here every day until you open your beautiful brown eyes but for now you rest and stay stress free you will be home soon don't worry

Babyface: Tone Dr. Matthews said you are strong and a fighter I know you have been through a lot of stress lately but as of today that is going to stop I want you to recover by any means,baby dont worry I'm not leaving your side for nothing I'm going to be here ( kissing her hand)

Ms E: Kenny son I don't want you to worry too much ok?

Babyface: Yes ma'am ( hugging her)

Toni sisters and Edmonds family visit as days go by the doctors says shes improving slowly and it's just to take time .I remind Peyton every day how much her mom loves her and she will be back soon, for now she thinks Toni is on tour but I think in her little heart she knows Im lying. I can't wait until she wakes up and see her room filled with beautiful roses and her favorite blanket on her bed, I would change places with her in a heartbeat I love her so much

As I'm talking to Toni I'm holding her hand it's early morning the sun is starting to come up I thought I felt a slight squeeze from her

Babyface: Toni? Baby if you know I'm here and you can hear me squeeze my hand again ( squeeze hand again)

Calling the nurse

Babyface: Help! I need you to call her doctor now please !

Nurse: Ok I'm on my way

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