Family Matters

315 15 4

6 months Later

It's been six months since the birth of kendal, and so far Toni still doesn't know I'm his father I'm not sure how long I can keep this secret. Our relationship has gotten back to the way it was and I don't want to lose that, this is eating me inside I'm not sure what I should do. Some things are better left unsaid ...


Today is Kendal's baby christening and I'm happy Toni and Kenny agreed to be God parents I don't know what I would do without them but what Toni doesn't know in a matter of time Kenny is going to be my husband . For the past few months Kenny has been over at my place make it seem like we are one big happy family for Kendal so he can have a happy environment so why not make it official !

~Edmonds Home~

Babyface: Baby are you ready church starts at 11

Toni: Yea im just trying to finish getting Peyton dressed

Babyface: Ok we got 15 I don't want to be late

Toni: I know I'm on my way down now

As Toni and Peyton come downstairs Babyface takes a pic with his phone

Babyface: Look how beautiful my girls look

Toni: Thank You we try

Babyface: Do you have everything ?

Toni: Snacks ✔️ Juice✔️ Tote✔️ Pull Up ✔️ extra change of clothes ✔️ favorite toy ✔️  Cell Phone ✔️ and favorite blanket ✔️ 

Babyface: Well that's everything let's go


New World Baptist Church


As we walked into the church we meet Nicole up front with Kendal in her arms, I sat beside her as Toni sat to my right with Peyton. As the service went on I notice Nicole grabbing my hand during prayer whispering in my ear

Nicole: You are looking handsome as always

Babyface: Thanks, you look beautiful too

Nicole: Thank You it was a little rough this morning but we are here

Giving him a slight kiss on the cheek, Babyface smiles

Pastor: Amen!

Everyone: Amen!

Pastor: Today we are here to bless the life of our new member Kendal Pantenburg he came into this world a few months ago and we want to give his life back to God today, Amen!

Everyone: Amen

Pastor: I would like to call his mother Nicole and his god parents Toni and Kenny Edmonds to the altar

Babyface stands between Toni and Nicole holding their hand  as the pastor pray for Kendal

May the holy spirit bless you with a wonderful and long lasting life wishing the entire family all the best on this special day. May this day bring lots of love, joy and happiness to your heart and mind as we give your life back to Jesus, in Jesus name By the Father,Son, and Holy Spirit Amen

Everyone: Amen

Pastor: Sister Nicole has chosen Toni and Kenny Edmonds as his god parents who will guide and help raise him on the right path in life making sure he  knows he is truly loved and he can succeed at no limits. ( Blessing Kendal with holy oil) let's us stand please welcoming our new Mr Kendal Pantenburg to the house of the Lord

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