No More Lies (Pt 1)

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Kenny has been there for every moment with this pregnancy of course the stress of finding out that Daniel is Kenny brother and he could be the father cashed some complications but we were able to get through them so for most of the pregnancy the doctor has put me on bed rest,I can do some interviews but only a certain amount like maybe 3 interviews once a week. Kenny has decided for the baby sake to keep everything positive as possible he spending alot of time with peyton and Kendal and for now he sleeps in the guest bedroom next to Peyton room.

Babyface: Good Morning

Toni: Good Morning thank you for the breakfast it was delicious

Babyface: You are welcome, how are you feeling?

Toni: The morning sickness has slowed down a little

Babyface: Im going to get Peyton fed and then I'm off to work if you need anything call me

Toni: Ok,Ken we have to talk

Babyface: Toni I'm hurt

Toni: I know but what if this is your baby?

Babyface: Then things will be normal as usual

Toni: Kenny you have no idea what it was like for me when I found out Kendal was yours I was hurt too

Babyface: I know but I'm hurt and knowing I had a brother all this time and I didn't know until now and I understand what you did with Daniel

Toni: But it doesn't make it right at the end of the day I'm still your wife

Babyface: And No matter what we are going to work on this

Toni: Til death do us part ( kissing him)

Babyface: (sigh) There is something I need to tell you

Toni: What is it?

Babyface: The night I left I didn't go to L.A.'s house,I went to see Nicole

Toni: Ok was there something wrong with Kendal? What happened?

Babyface: No Kendal is fine, I went to talk to her about what happened that night, she said she didn't mean to do what she did she just wanted me to relax and have some fun because I had been so stressed out at work

Toni: I get it, but it doesn't explain how y'all slept together

Babyface: She helped me to her room at the hotel because I was too drunk to drive she was helping me out of my jacket and some how I kissed her and things happened from there

Toni: What ? That's doesn't make sense I think she has been wanting you from the day she started working there

Babyface:Clearly nobody knew she was married at the time

Toni: What does that mean me and women cheat all the time weather they are married or not

Babyface: Unlike you right?

(Toni slaps him)

Babyface: Toni! What the hell was that?

Toni: You have no right to judge me not after everything

Babyface: Ok fine be that way, but now you have to figure out is my brother a uncle or daddy to this baby

Toni: Dont you think I know that? Huh ! This is harder than you think When are you going to meet with him?

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