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Babyface walks in the waiting room as Toni and LA were hugging and talking as he was about to announce the gender of the baby, he could tell Toni had been crying about their marriage she wanted to be happy for her friend but at the same time she wanted her marriage even more she was hurt

Babyface: Its a Boy!

LA: How is Nicole?

Babyface: Shes ok there was some complications where her heart rate dropped a few times but she survived

LA: Thats good, and the baby?

Babyface: Hes handsome 8 pounds 6 ounces 21 inches long

Toni: Wow she was really full term

Babyface: Yea more than she thought

Toni: Is it ok to see her?

Babyface: Yes she is awake and feeding the baby she also was asking for you Toni

Toni: Really? Why?

Babyface: Yes she says she wants to talk you about something

Toni: Ok ( Toni grabs the baby gifts and walking  to Nicole room)

LA: While Toni vists Nicole we are going to go get some lunch and talk

Babyface: Yea I do need to eat something

LA and Babyface goes  to the cafeteria in the hospital

Baby: Normally I would hate hospital food but this is really good

LA: Or you are just hungry

Babyface: I can't wait for you to see the baby he looks like Nicole he has chestnut color eyes a head full of hair

LA: Did you hold him ?

Babyface: Yes, soon as the Dr delivered the baby the nurse assumed I was the father and handed him to me and as soon as Nicole kissed him she started having complications

LA: Did you bond with the baby?

Babyface: A little

LA: Kenny if I didn't know better I would say you are acting as if the baby was yours

Knock! Knock!

Nicole: Come in

Toni: Hey it's me, I bought some gifts for you and the baby

Nicole: Thank You he's going to love it

Toni: How are you feeling?

Nicole: Right now I feel no pain but I'm sure I will feel later

Toni: Hes beautiful

Nicole: Thank You, would you like to hold him?

Toni: Ummm sure why not

Toni sits in the rocking chair holding the baby as she smiles at him she thinks about Peyton

Toni: Kenny said you wanted to see me

Nicole: Yes I wanted to talk to about what's been going on lately

Toni: Yes it's been a while

Nicole: First let me say I'm sorry for any pain that I have caused between you and Kenny that was not my intention at all, The day Kerri walked out of my life Kenny witness the verbal abuse that I went through with him if anything Kenny saved me from a abusive marriage

Toni: Why didnt you tell me that Kerri was doing this to you? And How long ?

Nicole: Im sorry I was afraid to tell anyone, on the outside we looked like the perfect couple but really it wasn't and it went on for years

Toni grabs her hand

Toni: Im so sorry you had to go through that

Nicole: It's ok I'm free now, if it wasn't for Kenny I don't know where I would be

Toni: So that's what been going on?

Nicole: Yes, The day I found out I was pregnant my heart broke for this baby

Toni: And that's when Kenny really stepped in

Nicole: Yes he helped me with my divorce and help me keep the baby

Toni: What do you mean keep the baby ?

Nicole: I didn't want to keep it at first but then Kenny talked me into keeping it

Toni: We could've talked about this

Nicole: At the time you had, just had Peyton and I didn't want to put a damper on that moment

Toni: Did Janet know?

Nicole: Yes but I asked her not to tell you

Toni: I can't believe this ! I'm your best friend and you couldn't talk to me? All this time I thought Kenny was cheating on me with my best friend

Nicole: No that's not what happened

Toni: Kenny and I have been separated for months because of this

Nicole: Kenny still loves you, I know he does

Toni: I wish he would show it to Peyton like he's doing with you and the baby he act like  the baby is his

{Nicole takes a deep breath}

Nicole: In a way he is


Babyface: I haven't told Toni but there is a possibility that the baby could be mine

L.A: What? When did you sleep with Nicole?!

Babyface: At the Christmas Party at Clive house we were drunk and it just happened

LA: Face ah man you don't fucked up now

Babyface: I know but there's more, asked for Toni and I to be God parents

LA: Omg I need a drink we should've went to a bar for this conversation, do you realize you fucked her best friend and you could be the father

Babyface: Yes that's why I can't tell Toni at least not until I get the DNA test back

LA: When will that be?

Babyface: In a few hours

LA: Do Janet know what happened?

Babyface: There is a possibility she know she over heard Nicole and I in my office the day she found out she was pregnant

L.A.: Ok I have heard enough text Toni and tell her went went to a bar for burgers cause I need a beer or something

Babyface: Ok doing it now

Toni: What do you mean in a way he's his son?

Nicole: I didn't want you to find out this way

Toni: Find out what?

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