hair : keirissa

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akaashi could not stop staring at tea's hair. it looked soft yet rough at the same time and resembled sports anime guys' hair.

"akaashi! you're up next!"

the ravenette looked up.

"oh, hai."

the guys were having a practice match with the girls, and now it was his turn to serve.

"hit a nice serve akaashi-san!" hinata yelled enthusiastically.

akaashi threw the ball up and hit it, letting it sail over the net. quickly, he ran into his team's territory as the girls kept their eyes locked on the ball. tea ran forward and his eyes widened, mesmerized.

her hair was bobbing gently and whipped across her hair like soft waves. it was literally that cliché anime moment where the girl flips her hair and then it slows down and the sparkly aura appears.

his eyes glazed over and he stopped still.

"oi. oi! akaashi keiji! earth to akaashi keiji!"

akaashi's eyes came back into focus and he snapped to attention.

"h-hai?" he said.

"the ball was there and you could've received it! why didn't you?" kuroo whined.

"ah, gomen'asai, kuroo-san," he said apologetically as he gave a little bow.

he should really pay attention to the game more than tea's hair.

word count : 205
date published : 230817


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