merry-go-round : keivan + kimshi

18 3 6

with a hint of van


club activities had finished, and van, kimberly and qq had exited the club room.

"guys!" kimberly exclaimed suddenly, "let's go sit the merry-go-round!"

"i hope it rains," qq said with a devilish grin.

"nO!" van yelled, "the weather is too beautiful to rain."

she and kimberly ran off to the newly-installed metal merry-go-round and immediately got on it like two kids.

"quick! spin it!" van yelled.

"oho? what do we have here?"

van's head snaps up and meets the owner of the voice. tsukishima.

her eyes narrowed and she said, "go away. you're like the rain to the beautiful weather."

"and i hope i spoil your day," he sneered in response, earning a hiss from the bespectacled female.

"oh? kimberly and van?"

a second person appeared with a friendly grin. he approached and said, "oh, tsukishima? you're here too?"


van grinned and waved with a "hi sugawara! you're like the sun to the beautiful weather!"

sugawara looked genuinely confused, so kimberly stepped in to help.

"it's an inside joke and a long story," she said.

"do you want to sit on the merry-go-round too, suga?" van asked.

"yeah, you should tooootally sit next to kimberly," qq added with an eyebrow wriggle.

sugawara's face turned pink as he said, "o-okay then."

he sat down on the empty seat next to kimberly.

"since there's an empty seat, you should sit there, tsukki," qq said with a grin.

"me? next to a shortcake to her? never," tsukishima said.

"ouch! but at least i'm not so tall such that i can't even sit on this!" van said.

"i'll prove to you i can sit on this," he said as he plopped himself down on the last vacant seat.

"are we ready?" sugawara said with a smile, "de wa, here we go!"

he began to use his foot to spin the merry-go-round around. kimberly, being a secret devil, used her foot and spun the thing around even harder and faster.

sugawara slowed the merry-go-round to a halt and said, "that was a bit too fast, wasn't it?"

"no," van said.

so now van was forced to spin the merry-go-round. after much spinning, kimberly began to feel dizzy. she put her foot down and began to slow it down, before accidentally falling. sugawara's arms immediately let go of the merry-go-round to stretch out and catch her. unfortunately, they were sent tumbling down to the ground, and van's shoe fell off.

sugawara had managed to encase kimberly into his arms before they touched the ground. kimberly slammed her eyes shut.

when she opened them, she noticed that a pair of arms were wrapped around her. she looked up and saw sugawara's worried face staring back at her.

"are you okay?" he asked as he inspected every inch of her face for any signs of scratches, cuts, or bruises.

she shook her head, "i'm fine."

she immediately got off him and helped him up.

"tsukki! my shoe is near your foot!" van yelled, motioning at the abandoned shoe near his foot.

"'tsukki'?" he echoed, amused, "you're actually giving me a proper nickname now?"

"shut up, fake salt," van said, "pass me my shoe."

"hai, hai," he said as he picked her shoe up for her.

what a wonderful way to see two couples bond, one full of sugar, the other full of salt.


qq tapped the 'stop' button and lowered her phone with a grin.

"what did you just do?" kimberly asked suspiciously.

"take a video, of course," the shorter girl said, "this would make excellent footage for both of your wedding videos."

"oi!!!" kimberly and van both yelled, running after the girl.

[ word count : 621 ]
[ date published : 161117 ]

[ a/n : look how fun it is to be a third wheel :") ]

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