i love you : insert

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sometimes, it's not necessary to say "i love you" to the person you love to show that you love them. because love can also be expressed through actions.

but sometimes, an "i love you" is needed to reassure your loved one that you truly love them, to the stars and back.

"i love you," she constantly told him, a smile on her face.

he said nothing back, and she could only continue smiling when it hurt.

she truly did love him. but did he love her just as much as she did he?

she showered him with affections, but it was never reciprocated.

she remembered all the fine details of his life, but he never remembered much about her.

she planned surprises for him on every special occasion, buthe never initiated anything even once.

she constantly showered him with "i love you"s, but he never said anything back.

presently, they stood under the pouring rain. the rain fell in steady curtains, separating them from the rest of the world. it seemed like they were in a secluded space, somewhere private. her hair hid her tearing eyes, an unreadable expression on his face.

"do you even love me?" her voice comes out as a whisper, her hands clenched by her sides.

he said nothing.

"i love you," she said, eyes meeting his.

he remained silent.

"you don't really love me," she said, her voice going soft again, "do you?"

he couldn't respond.

tears began pooling at her eyes again as they fell along with the droplets of rain, her heart breaking as she ran away from him.

sometimes, it's not necessary to say "i love you" to the person you love to show that you love them. because love can also be expressed through actions.

but sometimes, an "i love you" is needed to reassure your loved one that you truly love them, to the stars and back.

word count : 318
date published : 231017

a/n : btw this is the 69th chapter winkwonk

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