do over : keirissa

24 6 7

continuation of "time travel"

+ translations


tea held the papers in her hands. were these pranks? no one could possibly send a letter back to the past, right?

and anyway, who was akaashi keiji? she had never met anyone by that name. ever.

she held the second paper up, which was like in the format of a diary. only the important points were written in bullet points.

「 8 july 2017 」

school has opened for about three weeks, and cca has started. i was heading to the choir room, and i had to pass by the third gym. a volleyball had rolled out, and a person came out to collect it. he apologised and i said "it's fine, i didn't get hit or anything." he bowed and left. his name was akaashi keiji.

after cca practice, i met him on the way to the school gate. he offered to then walk me home.

→ this is the one time i want you to turn down his offer. seriously.

tea looked at the clock mounted on the wall. 3.20 p.m. she folded the letters neatly and shoved it into her bag as she trudged out of the classroom.

as she made her way to the choir room, true to the letter's word, she did have to walk past the third gym. a volleyball rolled out and stopped at her feet. she turned and saw a raven-haired male to make his way towards her. he had a set of deep blue eyes, tan skin and a really pretty face.

"gomen'nasai, did it hit you?" he asked worriedly as he picked the ball off the floor.

"it's fine, i didn't get hit or anything," she said, a smile finding its way to her face.

"oh," he said, before giving a little bow, "shitsurei shimasu."

shitsurei shimasu = excuse me
→ use with teachers, bosses, superiors
→ don't use with friends
→ "shitsurei" means rude, "shimasu" means "to do"

as he turned to leave, she said, "wait!"

he turned to face her.

"may i know your name?"

his eyes flickered and he gave his answer.

"akaashi. akaashi keiji."

so this was the akaashi keiji the letter was talking about.


he bowed again, then turned to return to the gym.

how was she supposed to save him? what did it mean?

unfortunately, these were questions to be answered later in the future.


as she walked towards the gate, she felt a tap on her shoulder. she whirled around to see the boy she met a few hours ago.

"hey," he said slowly, "you asked me for my name, so i should ask you for yours."

"tea," she answered.

"do you live nearby?" he asked.

"yeah," she answered, "[insert random house location]."

"i can walk you home," he said.

"do you normally walk girls whom you've just met home?"

he let a small smile curve his lips, "i find you different."

so she let him. they walked home together and talked about things.

at her doorstep, she bid him farewell.

and that was just the start of regrets she would have ten years later.

word count : 487
date published : 290817

a/n : this needs a part 3

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