resemblance : tetsurin

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zarrin owned a cat. he was slim, black, had a long, sleek tail and a pair of sly eyes. his hair was ruffled, and despite many attempts to brush it, it refused to change. his fur resembled a bedhead, which zarrin found amusing. due to his black fur, she named him kuroo.

she and kuroo had a strong relationship, with the feline being there with his master every step of the way. whenever she felt down, he would brush his torso against her calf, and she would pick him up. he would then rub his head against her chin, and she would laugh and pet him before cuddling him.

however, that lasted till a year ago, which kuroo passed away. zarrin missed her feline friend and spent hours replaying their fond memories together.

now, in present time, she was starting her first year of high school at nekoma high school. she trudged through the hallways and was already thinking about her cat when she bumped straight into someone.

"s-sumimasen!" she apologised as she gave a slight bow.

"daijoubu, daijoubu," a deep, baritone voice replied.

as she glanced up, she found herself staring straight into an oddly familiar pair of eyes. eyes that resembled a feline's. he had an amazing jawline and bone structure, need i say more?

her eyes subconsciously darted upwards to look at his hair. raven locks messily spiked upwards into a bedhead.

"kuroo?!" she felt herself sputter.

"a first year at her first day already knowing my name? that's a new record," the male said with a alluring smirk.

"o-oh, sorry, it's just that..." she let her voice hang in the air.

he gestured for her to finish her sentence, which she did, with a "you looked like my cat, and my cat was called kuroo."

"i look like a cat?" he said, raising an eyebrow at her, smirk still in place.

hoLY sHiT he'S frEAKing hOT i mean, hot daAAMN, she yelled in her head.

"sorry, i didn't mean to sound like a creep," she said after realising she was basically ogling him, giving another bow, "now if you'll excuse me, i'll be on my way."

as she scurried off into the crowd, he let his eyes follow her until she was lost in the sea of students.

he did hope to see her again.

[ word count : 391 ]
[ date published : 091117 ]

[ a/n : finally a tetsurin + should i do a part 2 ]

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