bocchan : keirissa

30 5 24

kuroshitsuji au


"tea," the raven-haired master said in a gentle yet domineering manner, "please prepare dinner."

"hai, bocchan," the demon in question said as she gave a little bow.

she strode off towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. after a long day of keeping the house servants in check and making them do their jobs properly, she was down to sitting down and not doing anything. or maybe doodling.

she stepped into the great kitchen, where the young chef was preparing the fishball soup. apparently, this chef was only good at making soup. once, he tried making pasta, and the thing was undercooked.

"oh, hello, tea," the chef said, taking the ladle out of the boiling broth to take a taste, "the young master requested dinner?"

"yep," she said breezily as she tied an apron around her waist.

"could i help?" he asked, placing the ladle back into the pot, "i'm just about done here."

she thought about this for a while, then said, "alright, i'm planning on making curry, so how about you help me chop the carrots? thanks, kaoru."

"modainai, tea-san," he said as he went to get the ingredients.


after dinner, tea was collecting the dirty plates up. from the door, there was knocking. she hurried off to place the plates into the kitchen sink before heading towards the door. her speed was nothing less than that of another demon's.

she opened the mahogany door to be greeted with a familliar face.


"hello, tea," the taller demon said with a charming grin.

the daughter glanced behind her father to see his master there and continued, "why'd you come all this way with phantomhive-san?"

"oh, he wants to have a meeting with akaashi-sama," sebastian replied, "are you going to let us in?"


the two young masters sat at the long dining table.

"thank you for gracing my presence, mr. akaashi," ciel said.

"it's no problem, mr. phantomhive," akaashi said pleasantly in perfect english, "now, what can i do for you?"

"well, it's this," the eyepatched male said as he leaned forward with interwined fingers, "i request you to let me have tea for a month."

tea's eyes widened. how did she suddenly just get into the conversation? her hands clenched against her dress as her curiousity peaked.

"and may i ask why?" the japanese male asked, eyebrows beginning to furrow.

"i have an important mission given by the queen of england," ciel explained, "as you know, my butler is the father of your maid. sebastian may be capable of handling a few demons" — cue sebastian's slight frown — "but for this case, i'll need tea to chip in and help as well."

he leaned in.

"so what do you say, sir akaashi?"

silence for a few moments of consideration.

"i'm sorry, mr. phantomhive, but i won't allow it," the raven-haired male said, "i can't just let tea out of my residence for a month."

ciel's smile tensed, "and may i ask why?"

"she's very capable in running my household," he said, "she makes sure everyone here does their job to look after me and this house well. most imporantly, you can't just take the head of the servants away from their master, am i right?"

the guest chuckled, "you're certainly right."

though akaashi wouldn't say it in front of his guests, his main reason for not letting her go was as clear as day.

he cared for her and was not willing to see her off, as for all he knew, she may not return.

word count ; 590
date published ; 050917

a/n ; hbd hanji !!!

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