Harry Hook

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The thunder of another storm shook the boat slightly under the boy's feet. A smirk grin of his face seeing his crew mates one by one hoping off the boat and into Ursula's Fish and Chips. A little storm never hurt anyone. The boy looked beyond the barrier to see Auradon with its prefect day of sunshine, it made him feel sick. and he couldn't believe one of his sisters ran off to that place. A place with its prefect little princes and princesses.

"You are the only boy who would be caught out in this weather by choice Harry"

The boy, Harry, turned to see his Captain Uma standing behind him.

"A little storm can hurt" Harry chuckled in his Scottish accent.

"Tell that to Gil whos butt is on fire from the lightening" Uma smirked.

The two shared a laugh as the storm's lightening crackled across the sky. Then Uma turned her attention towards Auradon a growl rumbling from her throat.

"I can believe Mal gets whatever she wants over in her prefect little kingdom" 

"I'd just like to see one bitty storm ruin their little sunshine" Harry smirked looking back towards Auradon. 

"And We'll be that storm once we figure out how to get the entire crew there" Uma vowed walking back towards her mother's diner "Come inside when you're down splashing in the puddles we have business to attend to"

Harry smirked leaning against the ship's post was the rain started to lighten up. He was up for more fun if it came down to it. He was itching for another fight. Walking onto the deck with Auradon's glow behind him he smirked ready to scare.

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