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Harry Hook followed the girls towards the cheeky shadow that had ran off, when suddenly he was tackled from the side. He let out a growl raising his hook to attack back however he froze seeing his attacker.

"Hey big brother" CJ Hook grinned down at her brother.

"CJ?! what are ye doing?"Harry hissed pushing his sister off of him.

"What can't a sister be happy her brother is in Auradon" CJ chuckled.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"So how did you like my little shadow and guards trick?"

"That was ye who did all this?"

"Of course! what's not to love about teasing little miss pan with a ran away shadow" 

Harry let out an annoyed sigh, Harriet was right CJ was just causing trouble here.

"So, care to join me in ruining the lives of the little princes and princesses?"

"I'm not here for that"

CJ looked shocked by her brother's words, Harry himself was surprised that he said that. 

"Then what are ye here for?" 

"Harry we caught it!"

Harry Hook glanced over his shoulder to see Petra Pan smiling down at him. A smile of his own formed on his face.

"I'm here for her.."

CJ let out a gag noise before running off into the shadows but not before saying;

"Ye were the last person I thought would go soft"

Harry watched as his sister disappeared into the darkness. He agreed with her, he never thought he go soft either. However, he never thought he'd fall for a girl either. 

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