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Petra Pan laughed holding her sides as she slipped to the ground. That was the most fun she had ever had. She just pants a villain, ran away and stole something, well with the help of Fee of course, but she did it all.

"I didn't know ye had it in ya Girly" Harry chuckled.

"To be honest" Petra smiled looking up at the pirate boy "I didn't either"

Harry shook his head chuckling as he held his hook down to help her to up. He was being kind? to her? Petra hesitated but she took a hold of it. Harry pulled her to her feet a bit too hard causing her stumble forward making her  fall into his chest. 

"Oof" she muttered looking up at him.

"Sorry girly" he said actually sounding sincere.

"Petra" she stated "My name is Petra"

"Well sorry Petra I don't know my own strength" he smiled.

The two stayed there for a silent moment before Petra realized she was still leaning against him and quickly moved away. She waited for a tease but there was none. He just stared at her. Hoping to break the silence she took the stolen watch and handed it to him.

"Errand complete" she smiled.

"Indeed" he chuckled.

"You better thank Fee"


"Fee!" she giggled taking Fee the ferret out of her bag holding her up to the boy.

"I'm not thanking your rat"

"She's a ferret and she got the watch after all" 

Petra found herself giggling as Harry looked at her with a are you serious face. Fee squeaked in her hands not wanting to be held up. Harry sighed tapping the ferret's head gently with his finger.

"Thank you rodent" he said sarcastically.

Petra rolled her eyes slightly as she placed Fee back safely into her bag.

"It's late ye should probably go home and rest" Harry stated looking around.

Petra flinched, home, Auradon was her home and yet she didn't want nor knew how to get back too. Harry raised an eyebrow at her silence.

"Ye don't have a place do ya?" he asked.

"...No but I'll fine something" Petra said.

Suddenly Harry took a hold of her arm starting to walk dragging her with him.

"Uh Harry??"  Petra stuttered out trying to keep up with him.

"We've got a spot at home since CJ ran off to Shiny Auradon" 

Petra flinched slightly at the word Auradon.

"I...I don't what any trouble" She stuttered.

"Calm down Pet my sisters will love ya"

"Pet? and Sisters?"

"New name and besides" Harry smirked looking back at her "I owe Fee for the watch and ye for the panting scene"

Petra glared at the boy even though she knew she had no choice but to follow him.

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