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Petra Pan leaned against a post waiting for Fee and Harry. Panic started to set in her stomach, what if he didn't follow Fee? What if Fee was hurt or worse? A squeak pulled Petra from her thoughts as Fee scrambled up her jeans laying in her bag. 

"Nice trick girly" 

Petra looked up finding herself looking at the pirate boy.

"You must have a death wish" Harry stated coldly raising his hook.

"Are you really going to hurt me?" Petra asked.

"You know the answer, yer one of them" 

Petra held his gaze for a moment, although the eyes starring at her were cold she knew she couldn't give up on him.

"Then here" Petra stated pulling a small dagger from her bag tossing it at his feet.

"What's this?" Harry asked picking up the dagger.

Petra stared at Harry for a moment watching the word Pan flash from the light on the dagger.

"It's my father's dagger, the one used to cut off your father's hand" 

Harry looked at her shocked as he held onto the dagger tightly. 

"Figured it be the best way to put an end to Pan's daughter..."

Harry and Petra stood there no one moving, no one blinking. Suddenly Harry rushed at her pining her against the wall pressing the dagger to her throat.

"What are ye playing at?" he hissed in her face.

"I won't fight you Harry" Petra stated trying to keep calm. 

Harry pressed the dagger closer to her throat glaring at her. Although Fee was hissing, growling and squeaking in her bag Petra just kept her eyes on Harry's.  Minutes passed before Harry gritted his teeth placing the dagger on his belt grabbing her wrist dragging her through the crowd avoiding any crew member that he saw in the corner of his eye. 

"Harry?" Petra asked.

"Shut it" he hissed.

Petra looked down following him, still not sure if he was planning on killing her or not. Harry pulled her into an empty building looking at her.

"Why did you come back here?" he asked.

Petra starred at the boy for a moment before the truth came out;

"I came back for you"

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