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"Ben!" Petra Pan shouted opening the door to the king's office.

"Petra you're back" Ben said sounding relieved.

"Where did they take him" she demanded.

"Take who?"

"Harry you're guards took him"

Ben seemed just as surprised that his guards took someone as he was that Petra brought Harry Hook back with her.

"You brought him back with you?" he asked her.

"I wasn't just going to leave him in the situation I got him into"

"Well, I didn't know that my guards took him but I have an idea where he maybe" 

"Then let's go get him"

"I can't, but you can"

Petra tilted her head as Ben handed her a key.

"It's a skeleton key it opens any door go down to the basement and you should find Harry down there" 

"What are you going to do?"

"We are going to figure out why the guards just took him" Mal stated walking into the room "Turns out my spell book is missing from the library" 

Petra looked between the two before gripping onto the key.

"What do I do after I find him?"

"You'll figure that out once you do" Ben stated.

Petra looked between the two before nodding dashing off to find Harry. Only to find herself stopped by Chad and Audrey. 

"Glad to see you're no longer held captive by the Isle" Audrey smiled.

"I wasn't" Petra stated "I made some good friends there" 

"But the VK that was with you" Chad started but Petra cut him off.

"That "VK" has a name and he happens to be nicer than you Charming" Petra spat.

"Ouch sounds like someone did get corrupted but the Isle" 

Suddenly Petra found herself pushing Chad into the lockers. Chad looked surprised as Audrey let out a gasp.

"Don't speak of something you haven't seen" Petra growled "After all even Neverland has its dark side, who's to say Auradon doesn't?"

Then with that Petra hurried away towards the basement.

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