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Harry Hook stood leaning against a post as he watched the villagers scramble and rush around him. No one made eye contact with the pirate boy and he liked it that way. Everyone around the Isle was rather boring if they weren't Uma or Gil to me anyway. However, today something caught his eye. A girl dressed in green walked around holding the handle of her bag close to her chest. He never seen her around before and the Isle was small enough to know everyone. A smirk tugged on his lips as he approached her.

"Well well" He said making the girl turn around to face him "What do we have here?"

"I don't want any trouble" the girl stated.

"Troubles my middle name" he chuckled grabbing the strap of her bag with his hook.

"Hey!" she shouted trying to pull her bag back. 

When suddenly a ferret climbed out of the bag partly sinking its small teeth into his wrist. Harry let out a grant of pain releasing the bag giving the girl a glare.

"Now you're in for it lass" he hissed through his teeth.

"Gotta caught me first pirate boy" the girl shouted taking off in a sprint.

Harry smirked giving her a few seconds head start. After all he loved a good chase. However the next thing the girl did caught his eye. He watched as she leaped high enough to reach the top of a building scrambling up the roofs.

"Uma is going to want to see this" he said to himself. 

Then he headed off to find his captain.

"The chase will continue very shortly little rabbit" he smirked "You just wait"

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