Harry Hook

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Harry Hook stared at the girl cowering behind the barriers. Her eyes locked onto his widen and afraid. He lifted his sword above his head but instantly froze. He watched as the wound on her arm from Uma leaked scarlet blood from between her fingers. Do it his mind said to him. Do it you'll make your father proud. However his heart wouldn't let him. He felt himself shake, what was going on with him? Petra lowered her hand from the wound staring up at him with tear filled eyes.

"Its..Its okay Harry..." she spoke softly to him.

He gritted his teeth. Curse her, curse himself for feeling this way. She was the enemy. She was his enemy.

"i'm sorry Harry..I really am.." Petra said sadly.

"You are the enemy" Harry hissed at her through gritted teeth.

Petra flinched not taking her eyes off the boy.

"Were not our parents Harry.." she whispered.

He flinched dropping his sword to the ground. He glared at the girl that had stolen his heart.

"When you get the chance get back to Auradon" He hissed.

"Harry I-"

"Save it!"

She flinched looking down. Harry felt his own tears threatening his eyes. He pulled the tarp over Petra hoping it would hide her a bit more. Her wound was deep but he couldn't just stop and aid her.

"I do care about you Harry.." he heard her whisper through the tarp. 

Harry looked down as he started to walk away.

"So did I..." he whispered a tear or two slipping through.

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