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Harry Hook growled as the guards locked the cell leaving him by himself in the dungeon of Auradon.

"Who'd thought sunshine place would even have one of these" he chuckled harshly to himself.

He sunk to the floor with a sigh. Closing his eyes he found himself wondering if Petra was going to try to fix this. Why could she just leave him be? He was perfectly fine with his life on the Isle before she came. He was a feared villain, and proud of it. Now he wasn't even sure if he had a place there let alone a crew. A sudden squeak however pulled Harry from his thoughts. Petra's ferret squished through the bars.

"What are ye doing here?" he asked the ferret.

The ferret squeaked looking up at him.

"Great I've really lost it if I'm talking to a rodent now" He muttered.

The ferret hissed slightly at him to which Harry rolled his eyes. 

"I wish ye and Petra never came to the Isle" he muttered.

Suddenly the ferret bit his hand causing him to flinch.

"What was that for?!"

The ferret squeaked loudly at him.

"This isn't like the cereal thing ye rodent" 

The ferret bit his hand again growling.

"Fine fine I take it back" he growled "Stop biting me"

The ferret squeaked looking up at Harry who let out a sigh. Fee climbed onto his hand placing a paw on his arm.

"I'm glad I met Petra..." He whispered "I just wish what she said could be true...That we could just be Harry and Petra"

Fee squeaked quietly making him look at her.

"I just don't think we can be.." 

Then he leaned his head against the bars deciding to take a nap while he was there.

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