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Roof by roof Petra Pan scrambled trying to get as much distance from the boy with the hook. shivers when down her spine just thinking of the look he had given her. She couldn't tell what it was about him, but he scared her. Sliding down a drain pipe she looked around before  taking Fee from her bag.

"I think were good now" she told her pet

"I'm afraid not dear" 

She jumped hearing the Scottish accent she just had an encounter with. Petra looked to see the pirate boy and a few others stepping out of the shadows. Petra placed Fee back in her bag locking eyes with the pirate boy as she held onto something else. 

"No where to run now lass" the boy teased.

"Oh how little you know" Petra fired back tossing an apple at the boy's head.

Then while he was distracted she scrambled up the pipe sitting onto the roof looking down at the pirate crew.

"You've got guts lass I'll give you that" the boy chuckled looking up at her.

"No it's just called brains over bronze" Petra stated crossing her arms with an amused smile. 

Enemies were common on the Isle from what Evie and Mal had told her. If she was going to disappear among the crowds she was going to have to play things carefully.

"It's interesting that you choose to stay up to Harry"

Petra looked down to see a girl stepping in front of the pirate boy. She had long blue hair and wore a pirate hat with many shells in it.

"Why don't you come down and we'll talk" the girl asked.

"I don't feel like getting killed thank you" Petra stated.

"Harry would be the only one other than me to do so" the girl smirked "But none of that will happen unless I say so"

"And why should I trust you?"

"Thats a good point"

Petra stared down at the girl and the pirate boy at her side. Giving Fee one last safety check she jumped down from the roof to the ground.

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