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King Ben walked back to Petra Pan's room hoping he could speak to her about what had happened on the Isle. Maybe there was a way he could mend things or maybe apologize to her for not finding her sooner. However each attempted he find either Mal or Evie stopping him. He was finally done with it.

"Whats going on here?" Ben asked looking between the two.

"Nothing" Evie said glancing at Mal.

"Yeah nothing, nothing at all why would anything be going on" Mal stumbled over her words.

"'re not a very good liar anymore" Ben said trying to be polite about it.

The girls exchanged glances before looking at Ben.

"Promise you won't be mad" Evie stated.

"I promise now what is it?"

"Petra went back to the Isle"


"Ben listen-"

Ben shook his head in disbelief as he looked at the girls.

"We have to go get her before she gets even more hurt"

"Give her at least the time limit"

"Time limit?"

The girls explained what they could yet no one really knew Petra's full plan. Ben didn't know whether to go to his father about this for advice. He after all fell for Mal, who was the daughter of Maleficent, was it possible for another to have the same feelings? Then Jane and Carlos came to his mind. If Petra's feelings for Harry were the same as him and Mal or Jane and Carlos would he accepted it? After everything that happened on the Isle with his first visit could he really let Harry have a second chance? He wanted to say he would because thats what he's heart told him, yet he couldn't get the words out. 

"Okay..What now?" he asked the girls with a sigh.

The girls looked at each other, all three lost on what was going to happen. 

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