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Harry Hook watched as Uma raged throwing things cross the ship.

"Once again!" she growled.

Harry crossed his arms leaning against a post. He knew Uma was dangerous when she was mad,but he was relieved that Petra wasn't around to face this side of his captain. 

"We could have use her to get to Auradon!" Uma hissed.

"They didn't even bothered looking here" Harry stated.

Uma let out a heavy sigh starting to calm down.

"You're right but still wouldn't you have loved hooking your father's enemy's daughter" Uma muttered.

Harry was about to speak when Gil said something first.

"Too bad he let her go though"

Harry and Uma both looked over at Gaston's son.

"What" Uma asked.

Gil looked between the two and gave them a stupid grin.

"Oh come on, you guys saw him find her and hide her better right?" Gil asked.

"Harry" Uma said glaring at her first mate "Is that true?"

"It was a wee moment of weakness" Harry stated calming.

"Just a wee moment, she was the daughter of Peter Pan"

"I know that now"

"Yet you let her go!"

Harry didn't say anything as Uma glared at him. 

"I'll let this wee moment slide if the next time you don't let the mouse run away" Uma hissed at him.

"Next time?" 

"Oh please, she was looking at you like Mal does to her perfect little king Ben, she'll be back"

Harry stood there for a moment thinking. His eyes trained on Uma as she stared at him.

"Don't ye worry" He stated narrowing his eyes slightly "I'll have no mercy next time"

Uma smirked walking away.

"Good to hear son of Captain Hook"

Harry looked over his shoulder at Auradon. Oddly enough there was little gray clouds over the island. Probably just a light little rain but at this moment and with the way he felt now it seemed almost fitting. He was a villain's kid and thats all he would ever be. For thats all anyone bothered to see.

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