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Petra Pan stepped out of Lady Termaine's Curl and Dye to see the pirate boy, who Uma said was named Harry, waiting for her.

"I have to say the reds an improvement" He smirked.

"Kinda like the raccoon eyes you've got going there" She fired back.

Harry raised his hook closer to her face. Fee let out a growl from Petra's bag. Although she hate to admit it, the hook did make her flinch a bit.

"Better watch what you say my father taught me some dangerous things with a hook" Harry warned her.

"And who's your father?"

"Captain Hook of course"

Petra flinched, her eyes widening slightly. Captain Hook? This just made things a whole lot worse if anyone figures out who she was, Harry after all already wanted to hurt her. Harry raised an eyebrow staring at the girl.

"I'm surprised you didn't know after all most of the Isle is Uma's territory and I'm her first mate after all" 

Petra glanced down at Fee who appeared to be looking up at her saying thing of something quick.

"I...I don't get out much" Petra rambled quickly.

"Is that so?" Harry stated his voice changing in tone.

"It be so" Petra quickly recovered mocking the boy's accent.

Harry let out a dry chuckle turning around starting to walk away.

"Lets go girly we have some errands to run" he stated "Unless I've scared ye enough"

Petra glared at the back of the boy's head following after him. She knew it was going to be a long day if this was the way he acts normally.

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