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Harry Hook walked as Petra stepped out into the rain. He couldn't help but to laugh as She smiled widely spinning in the pouring rain. A giggle escaped her lips as she smiled at that him.

"I take it you like rain?" Harry smiled stepping out into the rain.

"It feels nice yes" Petra smiled back.

"Ye rodent doesn't seem to agree with you" 

Harry smirked watching the ferret hiding inside Petra's pocket trying to avoid the rain.

"She's only tough when it comes to fighting with a pirate over food" Petra teased pulling his hat down over his eyes slightly. 

"Hey!" Harry laughed.

The two ran around in the storm both not caring who saw or the fact they were soaked. Suddenly Petra slipped falling into a mud puddle. 

"Thats what ye get" Harry chuckled looking down at her.

"Eh its nice" Petra grinned up at him.

"Oh really now?" Harry smirked.

"Yeah you should try it" 

"No thanks girly I'm good"

"Then help me up"

Harry smirked shaking his head as he held his hook out to the girl. Then suddenly Petra took a hold of his wrist pulling him down into the mud with her.

"Hey!" he snapped. 

Petra laughed holding her sides before smiling innocently at him. He glared at her but his attention suddenly softened that it even surprised him. 

"What is it?" Petra asked tilting her head slightly her wet red hair falling over her face.

Harry reached over moving her hair way from her face looking into her jay blue eyes seeing the wonder and confusion inside them. He leaned closer to the girl surprised she didn't move away. She just tilted her head slightly studying him. He stared at her for a moment before smiling softly standing up helping her to her feet. He wanted to kiss her but just not yet. 

"We better get going" he said.

Petra nodded and smiled at him. The smile made his heart skip a beat. Then the two walked side by side on their way to Ursula's.

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