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Harry Hook looked around the Fish and Chips at the crew laughing and stuffing their mouths full of food. He raised an eyebrow seeing that he didn't see Petra anywhere. He thought she was right next to him when Uma was talking. His eyes instantly went to the door hearing the thunder roar. Walking outside he saw Petra standing at the edge looking out at the barrier. 

"Enjoying the rain again?" he asked approaching her.

Petra jumped slightly looking back at him. Harry smirked standing next to her as he looked at Auradon.

"What I wouldn't do to ruin that perfect little place" Harry muttered.

"What if its not as perfect as it seems?" Petra whispered looking down.

Harry looked over at her. Was she hiding something from him? No he had been thinking she was off ever since he met her and all she had done was make him feel normal, like he belonged. He wanted to see her smile and he loved their witty comebacks towards each other. Petra looked up at him with her jay blue eyes seeming to shine in the cloudy rain storm of the Isle. She made him feel different, but a good different. He needed to know. So suddenly he pulled her close. She let out a squeak of surprise looking up at him. She started to say his name to question what he was doing but he cut her off by pressing his lips against hers gently. He pulled away waiting for her to slap him but she didn't. Instead she looked up st him with wide eyes, her cheeks being a bright red.

"Harry..." she whispered.

He smirked slightly as he leaned in and kissed her gently. He closed his eyes as he held her close by the waist. A smile grew on his face through  the kiss as she kissed him back shyly wrapping her arms around his neck. The world seem to freeze around them. He pulled away pressing his forehead against hers. The two stood there smiling to each other in the rain. Maybe this was what happiness felt like? If so, he really liked it.

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