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"What is she?" the little girl asked.

"A ferret" Petra Pan smiled handing Fee gently over to Harry's sisters.

The girls giggled as Fee squeaked snaking between the three girl's laps, weaving in between there small hands playfully.

"You may not be getting her back you know?"

Petra turned to see Harriet standing in the door way watching the girls playing happily with Fee.

"I don't know whos happier" she smiled handing the girls Fee's bag of treats.

"Well sorry Petra for how I acted downstairs with Harry" Harriet said sitting on the floor.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be a bother, your brother kinda just dragged me here"

"Nah don't be sorry, besides Harry never brings people here"

"Not even Uma?"

"God no I won't let that sea witch in my house plus he knows she tried recruiting our sisters"


"You must be something special for him to bring you here" 

Petra shyly looked away. She felt embarrassed by Harry's sister's words.

"I'm nothing special...Harry was just being nice I guess"

"Harry? Nice?"

"Look..I may have not know him long but he seems like a good guy inside"

Petra waited for his sister to respond however she just smiled at her. 

"Here let me braid that messy red hair of yours"

Petra blinked then smiled slightly. Was this what a real family was like? 

"Where is Harry anyway?" she asked glancing at the door.

Harriet let out a chuckle as she started to braid her hair.

"Don't worry prince charming is downstairs"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing nothing"

Petra cocked her head to the side slightly as Harriet smiled to herself. Every once in a while Petra found herself glancing at the door, oddly enough hoping Harry would walk in soon.

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