Pan and Hook

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Petra Pan stood next to Harry Hook as the two looked beyond the sea staring at the Island known as the Isle of the Lost, the place they met. 

"Do you miss it?" Petra asked Harry.

"Kinda, my sisters are still there after all.." Harry muttered.

Petra knew he was also thinking of his best friend's Uma and Gil. Harry never would admit that he missed them however. So Petra took his hand making him a promise.

"We'll get them here too," she vowed "All of them"

Harry looked at her and smiled slightly. 

"So Son of Captain Hook-" Petra stated but Harry stopped her.

"Like you said, here we're just Harry and Petra"

"just Harry and Petra?"

Harry nodded as Petra leaned against him smiling.

"I like that.."

Harry leaned in to kiss her, however Petra smirked pushing the boy down to the ground. Only her plan failed and Harry ended up pulling her down on top of him. 

"Hey!" Petra laughed.

"Pay back for pushing me girly" Harry smirked.

"You know what the say bad girls have all the fun" Petra smiled.

"Thats my line"

The two shared a laugh before staring at each other.

"I love you girly.."

"I love you to pirate boy" Petra smiled softly.

Then the two kissed gently as thunder roared in the sky above. Auradon was changing, but for the better. However, not everyone is ready for that storm.

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