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Petra Pan looked at the Isle from the edge of Auradon. She knew trouble was waiting for her there but she had to go back. She had too.

"You sure about this?" Mal asked looking at the daughter of Peter Pan.

"If it was Ben would you?" Petra asked her.

Mal bowed her head slightly as Evie placed a hand on her best friend's shoulder.

"You sure you don't want us to come? It's not safe for you there now Petra" Evie asked.

"Don't worry Evie, I have a plan"

"And lets not forget the sass ferret"

Fee squeaked loudly in Petra's bag causing the three girls to laugh.

"Seriously be safe okay?"

Petra nodded climbing onto the bike. her escape plan was her last wish from Jordan she couldn't use it if Uma planned on hurting her. Luck for Petra, Mal remembered the spell she used to go to the Isle. Petra closed her eyes tightly approaching the barrier. What was she going to say to Harry? or Uma even? This was a do or die situation now. Petra opened her eyes to find herself on the edge of the Isle, Fee climbed onto Petra's shoulder as she hid the bike. Giving the Auradon a quick glance she walked looking around for Harry. Hoping he wasn't at the Fish and Chips but she knew he was most likely there. The more she walked the more she noticed the eerie silence that started to cover the Isle.

"This can't be good" She whispered to Fee.

"Well well well" 

Petra flinched as Uma stepped out of the shadows, her pirate crew surrounding them. Fee let out a hiss towards Uma causing the sea witch's daughter to roll her eyes. Petra's eyes scanned the crowd until the met Harry's. The two looked at each other for a second before Harry's glaze turned to a glare and a look away. 

"You were a fool for coming back" Uma stated make Petra look at her.

"I had my reasons for it" Petra replied.

'Aw yes you Auradonians are so sentimental" Uma smirked "Too bad we here on the Isle aren't right Harry?"

Harry looked over at his captain. Petra's heart sunk seeing him smirk.

"Right" he stated harshly.

Petra sighed gripping onto her bag tightly looking at each of the pirates as they came closer.

"How do you plan on escaping this one hm?" Uma asked in a teasing matter.

Oddly enough Petra found herself smirking. 

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