Petra Pan

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Petra Pan blushed leaning against the boy who she had shared a kiss with.  She just kissed Harry Hook, the son of her father's enemy. She just shared a kiss with him. This was crazy. Yet her heart was telling her something else, who cared if he was Captain Hook's son or if she was Peter Pan's daughter they were their own people, they weren't there parents. 

"Harry..." she said quietly.

"Hm?" he asked looking down at her.

"I have to tell you something.."

"Well well this is cute" 

Petra flinched looking over to see Uma standing there with her crew behind her. 

"Whats going on here?" Harry asked moving in front of her slightly.

"Oh Harry don't you realize who you shared a kiss with?" Uma asked battering her eyes at the pirate boy before smirking at Petra "Should I tell him or you?"

"Uma please.." Petra whispered.

"She's the missing Auradon girl" Uma stated smirking.

"What?" Harry asked in disbelief looking between Petra and Uma.

"Not only that, she's the daughter of Peter Pan aren't you Petra?"

Petra flinched looking over at Harry who was begging her with his eyes for it not to be true. Anything but true.

"I..." Petra couldn't find the words to tell him.

Suddenly Uma swung her sword catching Petra on the arm. She let out a yelp of pain before running off. The look of hurt from Harry's face still burning in her mind. Holding onto her wound she looked for a place to hide. Her heart was pounding hard for more than one reason. Shouting was heard, the entire crew was trying to find her. She was in trouble. crawling between a tarp and a few barriers she hide holding onto her wound tightly. Fee climbed out of her bag letting out a whimper.

"What do we do now Fee?" Petra whispered to her pet.

Fee let out a warning squeak and a hiss. Petra flinched looking over her shoulder at what Fee had hissed at. WhenSuddenly her eyes locked onto familiar light blue ones. Harry's eyes.

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