Petra Pan

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Petra Pan smiled as Fee ran down her shoulders jumping through the grass happy to be home.

"That was yer last wish?" Harry Hook asked her still in shock by her actions.

"I told you I went back for you" she stated still watching the ferret.

"And what makes you think I won't steal the wand and bring my crew here hm?"

Before Petra could answer another voice spoke.

"Another one?!"

Petra gritted her teeth seeing Chad Charming walking up to the two of them. Fee had stopped her jumping just to hiss at the son of Cinderella.

"You have a rude rat" Chad stated in regards to Fee's hissing.

"She's a ferret" Petra and Harry stated at the same time.

"Okay that's not weird" Chad said rudely "Anyways does Ben know about this one"

"Believe me I'm sure he does" Harry smirked causing Petra to elbow him in the side.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Chad pressed.

"Ye got such an attitude don't ye" Harry asked raising his hook.

"Harry No" Petra stated grabbing a hold of his arm.

Chad's eyes widen as he ran off shouting for the guards. Petra bit her lip trying to figure out what to do.

"Ye should have know this was gonna happen" Harry stated rolling his eyes.

"Look just let me think and well figure something out-"

Before Petra could get a chance to talk it out the guards were already there fighting with Harry before dragging the boy away. Looking down Petra noticed Harry's hook on the ground and picked it up.

"Ben...I need to talk to Ben" Petra stated holding onto the hook as she dashed over to the king's office.

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