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Petra Pan opened her eyes to find herself in her bedroom back in Auradon.

"Hey you're awake" she heard Evie said. 

Petra sat up slowly in her bed to see Ben and the VKs staring at her.

"Hey.." she said quickly.

"How are you feeling?" Ben asked.

Petra looked down not really wanting to answer his question at the moment. She felt Evie gently sit on the side of the bed placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Where were you?"

"The Isle of the Lost..." Petra answered.

"The Isle?" Jay asked.

Petra nodded fidgeting with her hands. 

"the didn't you wish yourself back here sooner than you did?" Ben asked.

"I...I met someone.." Petra whispered.

"What?" Mal asked.

Evie looked up at her other friends with a small sad smile.

"Guys I think this has turned into a girls talk" Evie stated.

"Whats that mean?" Carlos asked.

"It means if you're a boy get out" Mal stated.

The girls watched as the boys left the room muttering to each other. As soon as they closed the door Evie took Petra's hands in hers.

"So, Who was he?" Evie asked smiling slightly.

"You guys will be mad" Petra stated.

"I promise we won't" Mal said "After all we were given a chance who's to say we can't give this boy a chance"

"It was...Harry Hook" Petra said quietly.

The smiles dropped from Mal and Evie's faces . Petra knew this would happen.

"Harry? As in the son of Captain Hook" Mal asked.

"Yes him. I know he aided in kidnapping of Ben but he was kind to me" 

""Petra..Did he hurt you?" 


"The cut was from a sword"

"No it wasn't from him" Petra stated feeling her voice rise "He's actually the one who helped me leave that place"

"helped you?" 

"He found me after Uma cut me...He hid me while they were looking for me.." Petra sighed closing her eyes "Look i know he's the son of my father's enemy but does that really matter? I mean...I felt normal around him"

Evie and Mal exchanged a glance before smiling at the daughter of Peter Pan.

"Do you want to see him again?" Mal asked.

"More than anything"

"Then lets get going"

Petra's eyes snapped open.


"Come on lets go before the boys find out"

Petra blinked slowly starring at the two girls before feeling her own smile start to grow.

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