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Petra woke to the sound of a voice downstairs. She forgot she wasn't back at Auradon Prep, she was at Harry Hook's home. Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook, the son of her father's enemy. Her mind told her she should hate Harry, but she couldn't understand what her heart was telling her. Walking quietly down the stairs she could make out who's voice she woke too.

"Don't hiss at me ye rodent" She heard Harry hissed.

A smile grew on her face hearing Fee squeak loudly back at the boy.

"I don't care if ye are smaller than me I'll hook ya" Harry growled.

Petra shook her head hearing Fee hiss and growl at him.

"Why ye little rat"


Petra held back a laugh as Harry bolted up slightly with a busted look on his face as he looked over at her. Fee squeaked happily from the cereal bowl she sat in before going back to nibbling on the brown cereal.

"You're arguing with a ferret, you're LOSING an argument with a ferret" Petra smirked slightly cocking her head to the side.

"Whatever" Harry muttered rolling his eyes.

Petra shook her head smiling as she took Fee out of the cereal bowl letting the ferret walk along her arm.

"Why do you even have that thing?" Harry asked.

"Fee, kinda is my only true family" Petra stated patting the ferret's head.

"Whatca mean?"

Petra flinched looking away slightly. The words in her mouth but she didn't want to speak them. Suddenly she felt Harry's hand on her shoulder and she looked up at the pirate boy.

"You don't have to answer" he said kindly.

Petra looked over at Fee who nudged her tiny head against her jaw before looking at the pirate. His light blue eyes stared into hers and the words she vowed never to speak came out.

"My mom was a kid that grew up too quick so she dumped me where she could...and my dad...never grew up and forgot who I was...bad memory I guess" 

"Heh..I know a thing or two about that..." Harry whispered.

"I'm sorry.." Petra whispered back.

The two stared at each other for a moment of silence. The only noise was their soft breathing. 

"Petra I.."

Suddenly Harry was cut off but a lion's roar of thunder. Petra jumped, she never heard anything so loud before.

"What was that?" she asked looking around.

"Thunder looks like another storm is brewing outside" Harry answered.


She ran over to the broken window watching with wide eyes as the rain poured heavily outside. 

"Ye act like you've never seen a storm like this" Harry chuckled slightly.

"Can we go out in this?" Petra asked ignoring the boy's chuckle.

Harry looked at her surprised then smiled.

"Sure lets go"

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