Harry Hook

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"I came back for you" 

Harry Hook starred at Petra Pan. Why was she doing this to him? Why did she come back and tell him that? Why couldn't she just stay in Auradon? Why was he letting her get to him this way?

"Best not lie girly" He hissed.

"I'm not lying to you Harry" 

"What if I don't trust ye anymore?"


Harry flinched glaring at the girl before him. He marched over to her placing his hook under her chin.

"Don't think ye can play games here now"

Petra just stared at him as the ferret on her shoulders hissed. 

"What? Out of things to say?" Harry spat.

Suddenly Petra reached up taking a hold of Harry's hand from under his father's hook. Too stunned for words Harry looked at her. 

"Harry Hook and Petra Pan maybe names we were born into, but we are not Captain Hook and Peter Pan" Petra stated looking up at him "We're not from Neverland, We may have been placed in different worlds but that doesn't change who we want to be, that doesn't define who we are, so for once in our lives can't we just be Petra and Harry?"

Harry starred at the girl before him. All his life was spend living up to his father's legacy, and now some red hair girl wanted him to just be himself? It wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible.

"Nice job Harry"

Harry and Petra looked to see Uma standing in the doorway.

"Don't mind me, finish your moment but remember what I said Harry" Uma smirked watching the two.

Harry noticed his crew mates flooding in slowly through the windows and broken walls. 

"End this Harry" Uma stated.

Harry looked between the two girls before pressing his hook against Petra's throat more.

"Harry?" Petra asked.

He looked over to see her blue eyes wide with the fear that he really was going to end her, however he wasn't expecting them to soften.

"It's okay.." Petra whispered.

For the first time in his life he felt torn but who he was, son of Hook, a villain kid but also the boy who fell for the daughter of Peter Pan. 

"Harry" Uma warned as the crew stepped closer to the two.

"I wish we were back on Auradon" Petra suddenly shouted.

Then next thing Harry knew was he heard Uma shout as a flash of light went off before his eyes.  Petra released his hand as he shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight.

"What did you-"

"Welcome to Auradon Harry" Petra smiled.

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