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Uma watched with a raised eyebrow as her first mate walked out into the storm.

"Where's he going?" she asked looking at her friend Gil.

"Probably to look for the new girl" Gil said through a full mouth.

"Hmm" Uma said through closed lips as she turned on the TV.

She excepted to see Mal and Ben with their bond closer than ever but the news caught her by surprise. It was about the missing Auradon girl. Snow White went on talking to Ben about finding her. Uma knew they weren't saying the missing girl's name in case she was on the Isle but Snow White mustn't have gotten the memo.

"How is the search for Petra Pan going?" Snow White asked.

Uma's eyes widen as Ben seemed stunned that Snow White had said her name. Petra Pan? 

"Isn't Petra the new girl's name?" Gil asked.

"Indeed it is" Uma smirked opening the door barely.

Her eyes widen as she saw Harry and Petra being close. A dark smile grew on her face as she closed the door.

"Gil I have a plan" she stated.

"Hm?" Gil asked looking at her.

Uma slapped the back of his head as she sat on the counter smirking to herself.

"Time for some trouble"

Then as the thunder roared she let out a wicked laugh.

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