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Harry Hook checked around the place he called home once more. His father yet again was coming home. He sighed heading up the stairs. Walking into the room he and his sisters called home he found everyone asleep. A slight smile grew on his face seeing his younger sisters curled up on their beds with sleepy smiles. plopping down on his bed he heard a surprised squeak. Looking over at CJ's bed, he had forgotten Petra was there. She laid peacefully asleep with her red hair falling over her face. The squeak came from her ferret that laid next to her cheek with its head lifted barely. Harry chuckled slightly as he reached over gently moving Petra's hair from her face making the ferret bat at his hand.

"Relax ye rodent I'm not gonna do anything" he whispered laying back on his bed.

The ferret squeaked curling up against Petra more. Harry smirked shaking his head. He looked up at the ceiling thinking about the events today. Uma would be pleased knowing her new recruit wasn't soft. Although  things about Petra still didn't make sense to him. Surely Uma or him would have seen her around here with her odd abilities. Not only that she seemed cleaner than anyone on the Isle. Harry sighed rolling over onto his side. Something was up he knew it. Yet he could always deal with that in the morning. His only problem now was he couldn't get Petra's smile out of his head.


Harry sat downstairs watching his sisters getting ready for their day.

"Want us to wake Petra?" his smallest sister, Halei asked.

Harry shook his head closing his eyes.

"Don't worry about waking her we don't need to be at Ursula's until noon" 


Harry opened his eyes looking over at his sister Harriet.

"Try to be careful and make sure you two have fun...She seems nice" 

Harry stayed silent closing his eyes once again.

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