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Harry Hook  raised an eyebrow seeing Petra smirk. 

"What are ye smirking for lass?" he asked glaring at the girl that kept taking a hold of his thoughts.

"I can get out of this" Petra stated not looking at him but at Uma.

"Oh? and hows that?" Uma hissed at Petra.

"With a little faith trust..."

Harry's eyes widen as he had heard his father say the next words a hundred times.

"And pixie dust" Petra and Harry said at the same time.

Then Petra threw a glass bottle at her feet causing the glow of pixie dust to cover her.

"Stop her!" Uma shouted but it was too late. 

Petra took flight soaring in the air looking down at the crew, looking down at him. Her glaze softened but Harry forced himself to look away. He watched as Uma growled smacking her crew around to find Petra who he hadn't realized left. 

"Find her!" Uma shouted "Find her now!"

Harry watched the madness when he heard a squeak from behind him. Turning around he was surprised to see Petra's ferret staring at him.

"What do ye want?" He growled at the rodent.

Fee, as he recalled the rodent's name being hissed dashing off. However when Harry didn't follow he noticed the ferret looking back and squeaking at him. Then it dawned on him, Petra wouldn't have left her pet behind for Uma to find. No the ferret was leading him to a meeting place. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching Harry let out a groan following the rodent.

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