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Myunghee ;

"Since we are always going to stick around each other after school, we should at least get to know more about each other, right?", Kyungsoon said and I nodded.

"Okay... So, I am Kang Kyungsoon, double K", she did a K sign with her fingers.

"I am Go Eunyoung, cute but psycho", the shortest one introduced herself.

"I am Shin Ae Ra. The giraffe", the tallest one said causing me to chuckle.

"Anneyong. I am Park Leejung. The loudest", the hyperactive one said.

"I am Han Myunghee", I just simply introduced myself and they all frowned.

"You're supposed to say out a highlight part of you", Leejung pointed out while the rest nodded.

"Er... I don't even know what's the highlight part of me....", I trailed off and they all exchanged glances before shoving me their sheepish grins.

"We have an idea for you", they all said and I looked at them with an unreadable expression.

I am curious... What's the highlight part of me??

"You are....", Ae Ra trailed off.

"Hot", they all said in unison and I choked on my saliva.

"What?!", I exclaimed and they all laughed. "You can be called hot. You've got the most boobs and butt among the five of us. Just get rid of those glasses of yours and boom! You'll transform into a hottie", Eunyoung said.

"Now, let's get rid of those glasses of yours", Kyungsoon said and they all approached me with evil smirks plastered on their lips.

"Oh no....", I tried to run away but Ae Ra grabbed my hands and waist while Kyungsoon took away my glasses.

"Oops", she said as she grinned at me. They took a good look at my glasses and gasped.

"Myunghee, why would you even wear these geeky glasses?! They don't even have power or cylinder! Plus they make you look hideous", Leejung shouted in terror and I scratched my head not knowing what to say.

"Those glasses makes me feel comfortable", I said and they eyed at me with are you kidding me faces.

They really do make me comfortable. They keep me away from associating with people. I don't even know why.

"Never mind that. Starting from today, you're banned from wearing glasses", Kyungsoon said sternly.

"What?! But-", she cut off my sentence as she said, "No is a no, Myunghee"

Is it just me or Kyungsoon gives off that motherly vibe?

"By the way! Don't you think it is now time for us to make a squad name. Like BTS?", Ae Ra suggested and the three girls thought about it for awhile.

Is it even required?

"Now that you mentioned, we do need one", Kyungsoon agreed and the rest of the two girls did too.

"What name should we go with then?", Leejung asked. "Let's just do something with our name initials", Eunyoung suggested.

"Family name or our own name?", Ae Ra said.

"Our names of course", Eunyoung gave her a duh look.

"So the letters are.... K L M E A... how shall we make it sound cool", Leejung tried to squeeze an idea out of her brain.

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