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Myunghee ;

I was dozing off in class as usual. However, I always tend to get good marks because I'd hear the minds of those nerd kids during examinations so I kinda knew all the answers to the questions.

I know that's cheating but, oh well. It's not like I can unhear their minds.

But then, something my class teacher, Mr Kang said caught my attention. "Everyone, I have an important announcement to make", he said out loudly.

"School cultural festival is coming up and all of you must participate in it. You can either do it with your classmates or with your club members. Activity form is pinned on the noticeboard infront of the principal's office and if you have come up with an idea, please go sign up for it", he explained and I heard the minds of my classmates.


"I have no idea at all"

"I don't want to participate in any activity"


But then, what Taehyung thought in his mind made me smile.

"This is going to be fun! I am going to have fun together with BTS and Melka"

He's so full of energy and enthusiastic unlike others...

It's afterschool already and we are currently having a music club meeting; only BTS and melka, of course.

"So, what are we going to do?", Namjoon eyed at Kyungsoon. "I don't know. We should ask our members' opinions", she answered as she glanced at the rest.

We were all thinking what we should do for the upcoming festival. I heard the boys' minds though.

"Should we just perform a small performance on stage?"

"Should we just display our songs and works like a museum in this club room"

"I want to try something different"

Little did I knew Taehyung wasn't in the room.

He entered the room loudly with a bunch of books in his hands while panting, which earned confused looks from all of us.

"I have an idea", he smirked at us and we all started to wonder what he was up to.

He placed all the books on the table infront of us and tried to catch his breath. "So, what is your idea?", Kyungsoon asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sure we all want to try something different, right? I mean everyone is expecting a music concert from us but we want to show more of what we are capable of", he paused.

"Get to the point", Jungkook cut him off, earning a frown from him. He sighed and continued, "Let's all do a musical play"

"Musical play? Hmm.. that sounds good to me though. What about you all?", Namjoon said and all of us were doing some deep thinking.

It sounds cool to me though.

I also heard the boys' minds.

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