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{ Not your GIRLFRIEND }

Myunghee ;

Cultural festival was a success. We actually got the most praises from our teachers for gaining many audiences and also, middleschoolers are planning to join our highschool next year.

After our play finished, Melka and BTS were at the backstage discussing about some random stuffs. "We did it!", Jimin chimed and smiles were plastered on our faces thinking how successful our musical play was.

Kyungsoon and Namjoon smiled the brightest. All their hard work and dedication were actually worth it. I felt like someone was looking at me and I actually looked around, finding for the source.

It was him.

He was eying at me with a grin plastered on his lips and I read his mind.

"Your cheeks are softer than I thought"

My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered what happened as soon as our scene finished. So, it wasn't a delusion.

He did kissed me...

We were having this staring contest until a group of girl wearing middle school uniforms nudged Taehyung.

"Um. Excuse me", one of them said in that high pitched aegyo voice. That was when I heard her mind.

"Fall for my me. Fall for me"

What the hell...

"Yes?", Taehyung responded and she twirled the strands of her hair as she shyly said, "I-I actually saw your musical play... I became your fan".

"Ah, really? Thanks", Taehyung said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Can-can I take a selca with you?", she asked as she suddenly pulled his sleeve, catching him off guard.

The four girls beside me scoffed in unison as they rolled their eyes making me look at them. I heard the boys' voices too.

"Here we go"

"Please, oppa?", she softly let out as she set her gaze on the floor only.


"Um... Sure", Taehyung nodded and her eyes lit up as she actively exclaimed, "Oh my god. Thank you so much oppa. Thank you".

I heard her friends mind.

"Good job, Hyomi!"

"Nice fling"

"You did it!"

It's just a god damn selca, girls...

Taehyung bent his waist a little so that his face would be visible in the front camera. Their faces were so close and for some reason, my heart felt uneasy.

I felt so irritated and annoyed.

"Excuse me", I said as I walked away from them, earning concerned looks from Melka and BTS.

"Where are you going?", Ae Ra asked and I answered as I fastened my steps, "Restroom!"

What has gotten into you, Han Myunghee?!

As I was heading to the restroom without even looking at the surrounding, my head bumped into some senior guy from my school who was wearing glasses and his hair was bushy.

I glanced up and as soon as our eyes met, his eyes widened. That was when I heard his mind.

"You exist"

"Eh?", I blurted out and I heard his mind again.

"I finally found you, Miyori"

"I'm not Mi-", my denial was cut off when I felt myself being pulled back by my wrist as I felt an arm snaked around my waist.

I looked up and saw Taehyung giving the guy infront of me a dangerous look; the side of Taehyung I am not familiar with.

His facial expression suddenly changed and went back to the old goofy Taehyung I knew. He shoved his rectangularish smile to the guy infront of us.

"I'm sorry that my girlfriend bumped into you", he bowed lightly.


"What-", my sentence was cut off when Taehyung slightly brushed my bangs. "Cute", he uttered making my mind gone blank.

"You guys are a thing?", the guy infront of me asked and as I was about to deny, Taehyung cut off my sentence as he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Yeah", Taehyung answered without a single hesitation making me gawk at him with my jaws dropped.

The glasses guy mouthed an 'O' and said, "If you'll excuse me" as he bowed slightly. Taehyung bowed back and that guy walked away leaving me dumbfounded.

"What was all that?", I softly let out a whisper. Taehyung chuckled and messed my hair playfully. "Aigoo. Look at our Myunghee getting all flustered", he teased, earning a glare from me.

"Tae-", I went speechless when Taehyung's facial expression darkened as he said in a serious tone, "Stay away from that guy"

"Why?", I asked confusedly and he sighed. "That's senior Nam Daemin, the club leader from psychology club. He is considered as an outcast by almost the whole school  for his obsession in the findings of people with psychic abilities", he explained.

"And what does it have to do with me staying away from him?", I asked, getting a seriously? face from him.

"Miss Han Myunghee, did you forget the fact that you have psychic abilities? He will examine you if he finds out that you can read minds!", he shrieked in horror.

"It's not like he is going to kill-", my sentence was cut off when I heard him pleading in his mind.

"Please don't make me worry, Myunghee ah"

I sighed in defeat as I pouted, "Fine. I'll stay away from him and he ruffled my hair as he said, "Good girl". I scoffed and walked away while he caught up with my steps as we were walking side by side.

I kept avoiding eye contact with him. I didn't even want to look at Taehyung at the moment and he seemed to realize it.

"Why so sour?", he asked with a giggle and I answered without even sparing a glance at him, "I'm not".

"Were you mad about the girlfriend thing?", he asked making me froze for a split second. "No", I answered as I continued walking.

"Were you perhaps jealous?", he asked and his question made me froze again. I made a face as I yelled, "No!" and continued walking.

"Was it because of the kiss?", his next question caused me heart to do back flips inside my chest making every cell in my body to become stoned. I started to ramble, "What the hell are you saying? Its not like we are a thing. Do you know that your questions are-"

"Pabooo.....", he pinched my cheeks hard earning a yelp from me. "Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.Taehyung, it hurts-".

"I was just kidding", he stated as he released my cheeks and smiled. I just kept staring at him with my wide eyes.

He chuckled and patted my head before he walked away from me. I just kept staring at his back figure fading away from my vision.

Why do I feel disappointed?

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