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{ Jumbo Sushi Set }

Myunghee ;

"Daebak!!", the four girls squealed the moment I came out from the changing room. "I look fat...", I said awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"No!!! You don't! Oh my god. You look so good in this, Myunghee. I swear!", Leejung said and I denied, "I don't even look close to the character Rose at all. She's tall and-"

"You still look pretty in that dress so never mind that", Kyungsoon cut off my sentence with a smile. "Thanks... You guys are so sweet", I sincerely said and Eunyoung continued my sentence with a British accent. "So sweet that we can give you diabetes", she winked and all of us rolled our eyes.

"I feel like you're too inspired by Jin", Ae Ra said and Eunyoung gave her a knowing look. "It's not surprising that you keep thinking of him", she teased and Ae Ra frowned.

"Ah wait.. What is it again? Coffee pals", she grinned widely at Eunyoung and Eunyoung gave her an emotionless face.

Kyungsoon sighed and said, "Now go change Myunghee. Let's go get something to eat after this". I nodded and went back inside the changing room to change back into my causal clothes.

Short story; after the water fight, we all had to change our clothes because we were drenched wet. Of course, Melka didn't bring extra clothing with us so we had to borrow from the boys.

Taehyung lended me his red oversized pullover which almost reached my knees and his skinny jeans in which I fit perfectly in it but I had to fold the ends of it A LOT because it was too long for me.

We girls decided to go on shopping for our costumes at musical play and the boys had to stay behind because they said they had to do housework.

Yes, they're rich and could have hired maids but they wanted personal space so they chose to do housework themselves.

"Oh my god! I never knew there is a bookstore in this mall! I'm going in-", Kyungsoon grabbed Eunyoung's collar from behind as she said, "We're not Yoongi so don't expect us to follow you in" and dragged her to the other direction.

We are now at food court and we totally lost Ae Ra. "Where is that Giraffe?", Kyungsoon searched for her but she was no where to be found. Leejung pointed her index finger at a direction as she said, "There she is!"

We saw Ae Ra running to our direction with some sort of pamphlet in her hands. "Guys guys!", she chimed from afar.

"Look at this!", she gestured us to look the pamphlet in her hands. We skimmed through it and realized that it was an eating competition.

"Finish this jumbo sushi set in ten minutes to get a free expenses trip to Jeju! Participants numbers should be at least 3 - 6.....", Leejung read out and Ae Ra was looking at us with grinning faces.

"No way....", I trailed off and Ae Ra nodded, "Yes way! This is worth trying guys! I guarantee that we can finish this jumbo set. I mean y'all have me afterall".

"Are you kidding me, Shin Ae Ra? Look at this gigantic sushi set!", Kyungsoon pointed in horror at the jumbo sushi set picture on the pamphlet.

"Come on... Don't be such a party pooper. We will get to go to Jeju for free, if we win this", she pouted.

Does that mean she want to go on a trip with melka?

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