Chapter 1 *Edited*

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Chapter 1

The creature finally stopped fighting as I buried my hatchet into its skull, no matter how beaten or battered these things get they don't stop coming unless you damage the brain, the brain is the only way to end it's fucked up form of an extra life.

I still couldn't believe that this was happening to us. After all these months, it still seemed like a nightmare I was going to wake up from, but how is this real life? People dying and coming back to life as something inhuman, coming back craving the flesh of someone, something, that is alive. Even with their snapping jaws near my skin, I can't help but feel the murder behind it. These things were alive at one point, too. Human.

I forced the ax out of its skull, the slick sound as I pulled my hatchet sent shivers down my spine, it was a sound I would never be able to get used to. Out of a new habit due to this apocalypse, I wiped the sides of my ax against my pant leg to remove any leftover brain matter. I couldn't help but gag slightly at the smell. Somehow, they smelled worse when put down than they do while being undead. I felt a wave of nausea, as if the canned corn was planning on coming back to haunt me very soon.

I shook away the urge to vomit as I started heading in the opposite direction of the corpse. My brother, Grayson, had finally caught up to me. It wasn't hard to hear him as the leaves crunched under his black combat boots. They were one of the few possessions we had left that linked our old world to this new one. Along with his Kamasu Kissaki blade that was firmly in his hands ready to use when needed. It would be helpful to have a firearm right now. Actually, no, it would be more beneficial if we knew how to use a gun. Years before we were born, Dad collected all different kinds of blades and swords, but guns were something he wasn't comfortable having in the house with us. Out of all the weapons allowed in the house that had to be one that was outlawed while we were growing up. Just thinking about my dad made my whole mood shift into anger, I need to learn to forget about the past and move on. It was no help to me now.

"Can we stop for now?" Grayson begged as he checked the pocket of the undead only to find a half-full pack of mostly broken cigarettes. He let out a slight laugh as a smile formed on his face as he pulled out the only whole cancer stick.

"Give me those!" I groaned as I snatched the pack out of his hand, stuffing it into my back pocket, completely ignoring his question. There was no time to stop. We needed to find a new place to hide out before the skies went dark again, I refused to be out in the open when the sun started to set. Being out during the night was a death sentence when you cannot see your own two feet, let alone keep an eye out for the creatures that wander during the night just as much as they do during the day.We have been walking since the break of dawn but it wasn't enough, it was never enough, I want to get away from what we called home as soon as possible and just hoping we can find somewhere that will make a good shelter for the night.

"Why? It's not like anyone is worried about dying of lung cancer anymore," he complained in a hushed tone, as if he thought I wouldn't be able to hear him. Which was stupid of him to assume since he knew that between the two of us, I was the one with the almost perfect hearing.

"No, but we kinda have to have good lungs to run away from these things," I simply reminded him, I didn't have to look at him to know he was rolling his eyes at me. We still needed to move at a faster pace than this, and I honestly wasn't in the mood for fighting against him on anything when he and I both knew that I was right. Also, the fact that we are running low on supplies didn't help. We had been walking all morning, and we were still surrounded by trees. Until now, I had never realized how much I hate the color green.

"My lungs are just fine," he grumbled under his breath. I couldn't help but laugh. He had been smoking for years now, and there was no way his lungs were 'just fine.'

We walked in silence for what seemed like hours when I finally saw something that lifted my spirits. It was a break in the treeline. The most I could see was a road with a couple of cars. It looked like some kind of highway. For a minute, I had hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, we could survive.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now