13 | lenny face

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Yoongi is incredibly disappointed in himself for being so naïve again. He always tried to be cold-hearted after Namjoon 'cheated' him, but he just couldn't act cold-hearted around Hoseok, and hearing that he made Hoseok sad made Yoongi forget all about the promises he made himself. He made a bunch of promises to himself the night that he found out Namjoon was cheating on him. They were all pretty stupid but Yoongi felt like he had to drastically change his way of life, so that no one could hurt him anymore. 

But all were just forgotten. The only thing he could think of was that he made Hobi sad and he wanted to make it up to him. Even though Yoongi regretted it, hearing Hoseok brighten up after he told him that he wanted to meet up was pleasing to Yoongi.

He did kind of understand what Hoseok meant. It really was annoying being limited to just chatting or calling. He also wanted to meet him, but he fear of failing kept haunting him. If he lost Hobi, he really wouldn't have any purpose in his life anymore.

Yoongi thought of the conversation he had with Hoseok and his friend again. Hoseok's voice sounded different that usual, it sounded more raspy and deep. Usually, his voice would be cheery and high-pitched. It was really strange to Yoongi. Did he really make him cry? Really ??

Yoongi pushed his hands against his forehead and he deeply sighed. He was mad at himself (again, what's new) for making Hoseok sad. That was never his purpose. But come to think of it, he did want to meet up real bad. And I just kept saying that I'm 'shy'. But why does he want to meet up this bad, to the point where it made HIM cry, the happiest ball of sunshine in this world?

I mean I understand that he wants to see his lover in real life, but it's just weird to me that he desired it so much. I would ask him, but I don't want to upset him or anything. Yoongi rested his head on his couch and he closed his eyes for a few seconds, but quickly got woken up again by a ping sound coming from his phone. Yoongi annoyedly looked at his phone but smiled when he saw the message.

Yoongiiiii! I want to thank you again for doing this, I know that it's out of your comfort zone but I promise you that it'll be fun!

Is friday next week a good time for you?

It's not like he has any other plans, but he's obviously not telling him that.

Friday sounds good :)

Yoongi wasn't actually smiling, but he wanted Hoseok to happy.

Can't wait! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yoongi sheepishly stared at his phone, not knowing what to respond or even think. Did Hoseok want to meet me this bad just because he wanted to fuck?
There's no way.. He's just joking with me.

Hobi you pervy boy .......!

Did you know he used to be such an innocent child???!! Since he started chatting with you he started behaving completely differently!!!!

I'm Taehyung btw

Omg sorry Tae grabbed my phone again

Did I really change you??

I mean..

In some way, yeah

What???? Like what aspects did I change

You know, what Tae said

I'm sorry I feel so awkward chatting about this hahahha

Oh ok, I understand

I'm going to sleep, have a fun night with your friend baby

It's daddy for you

You're my baby boy, don't you remember?

Sorry daddy :(

Yoongi smiled as he turned off his phone. He didn't really take the daddy/baby boy thing seriously, but Hoseok did. I guess that's his kink..? Yoongi thought to himself as he tucked himself to bed.
Guess we'll see soon.

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