17 | hugs

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Hoseok had a hard time trying to keep up with Yoongi. He was walking in a fast pace around his neighborhood and people looked at him with concern, but Yoongi didn't notice. He didn't even consider Hoseok running behind him. Hoseok just looked around too but he was more worried for his boyfriend. After a while, Yoongi got too tired and stopped at a corner of a street. Hoseok put his arm around him but he didn't react to it. It was almost like Hoseok wasn't even there.

'Yoongi please listen.'
Yoongi looked him in the eyes but quickly looked back down. He didn't want Hoseok to see him in his vulnerable state.
'Let's go back home, okay?'
Yoongi clenched his fists. Does Hoseok not care about his dog?

Great. What is he supposed to do? Yoongi seems to love his dog too much to just give up.
'You'll get a cold, let's just go back home. We could make missing posters.'
Hoseok grabbed his hand and Yoongi unwillingly followed his orders. He was too tired to protest and Hoseok was a lot stronger than him anyway.

'Yoongi, is that you?'
A high-pitched voice could be heard from around a corner. Hoseok looked around confused and Yoongi sighed.
'And Hobi?'
Hoseok finally saw a cheery brown-haired boy walk over to them.
'Jimin.. Hi.' Yoongi awkwardly said. 'You know Hobi?'
'Sure do!' Jimin smiled brightly but noticed that the others were upset.
'Hey, what's wrong?'
Yoongi didn't say anything and Hoseok understood that Yoongi wanted him to say tell.
'Holly is missing.'
'..Holly?' Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

Oh yeah, of course. Jimin has never visited Yoongi's apartment before.
'Holly is my dog.'
'Oh.. If you guys want I can help with finding the dog.'
Yoongi nodded. 'Any help is welcome.'

The three of them walked around and it was awfully quiet.
'Are you guys a couple?' Jimin asked, fidgeting with his fingers.
'Yeah.' Hoseok put his arm around Yoongi again and a small smile escaped Yoongi's lips.
'Oh.' Jimin looked down. 'Since when?'
'It's been two months I think.. We met online.' Hoseok said proudly.
'Nice.' Jimin faked a smile.

When they reached a playground, all of them decided to take a break. Yoongi sat on a swing and Hoseok and Jimin stood next to him.
'I never expected you guys to even know each other, this is crazy.'
Yoongi looked up at them and both of them agreed. 'Jimin and I used to go the same school, until he moved away.' Hoseok said.
'And that's when I started going to Yoongi's school.' Jimin smiled at Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled in return and looked down.
'I still don't get how Holly escaped. I always lock my door and make sure Holly is asleep before I go to sleep.'
'Maybe you forgot to lock the door this time?' Jimin suggested.
'I guess.. Because something must've happened.'
Yoongi stood up again and started walking. Jimin and Hoseok sighed as they followed the bossy boy around.

The sun started going down when they reached Yoongi's apartment again. 'Jimin, you can sleep over if you want.'
'I'd love to, but I think I should leave you two alone.' Jimin said as he turned around. 'I hope you guys find Holly soon!'
'Thank you for searching with us.' Yoongi said softly as he closed the door behind him.

Yoongi lied face down on the couch and Hoseok kneeled down next to him.
'We'll find him soon enough, okay?'
Hoseok gently ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair and Yoongi sighed.

Yoongi sat down and gestured for Hoseok to sit next to him.
'You must be so hungry.. I'm sorry for being such a mess.' Yoongi rested his head on Hoseok's shoulder and Hoseok shook his head. 'I wasn't even thinking of food till now.'
'Hey, I know this sushi place that we could go to. Do you feel like walking 25 minutes to the restaurant or do you want me to order takeaway?'
Hoseok chuckled. 'Takeaway please.. I'm so tired.'

Yoongi grabbed his phone and ordered their food. After 20 minutes of them talking about random things, the doorbell rang. Hoseok ran over to the door excitedly and opened the door. He expected a delivery girl or boy with boxes of sushi, but to his surprise he saw someone completely different. Yoongi was looking from a distance and was perplexed too.
'Namjoon? Can you leave us alone?' Hoseok said uncomfortably.
'Wait.. Yoongi. Holly was missing right?'
'Uh, yeah?'
'Well, come over and see who visited you!'

Yoongi almost immediately ran over to the door and almost cried when he saw his fluffy brown dog.
'Holly.. My god you silly doggie!'
Yoongi grabbed Holly and hugged him tightly.
Hoseok smiled as he looked at his boyfriend being happy. He didn't notice the other boy who was standing behind Namjoon.
Yoongi's happy expression soon enough turned sour as he heard that voice. It was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, but it belonged to someone who hurt him deeply.
Yoongi put his dog down as he looked at his former best friend. Even if Jin hurt him like that, Yoongi missed him. Yoongi scratched the back of his head and Jin smiled. 'I've missed you so much!' Jin hugged Yoongi and Yoongi couldn't help but give in to the hug. Namjoon clapped his hands and Hoseok just looked at the scene that happened in front of him, having no idea what just happened.

'I was on my way to the grocery store and then I noticed Min Holly standing near our house, all lonely! So of course I had to bring him back to you.' Jin said with a smile. 'I.. I know that I have been the worst friend ever but I hope that finding Holly made you happy.'

Yoongi nodded and stared at his feet.
'Thank you Jin.'

Namjoon turned around and gestured for Jin to come with him.
'They don't like seeing us, let's just leave now.'
Jin pouted and ran over to him. He waved goodbye Yoongi before he and Namjoon disappeared out of sight.

'Who the fuck?'
'Oh, that's that one best friend Namjoon cheated with on me.' Yoongi chuckled as he rubbed his dog's belly.
'Oh.. Wow.'

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