32 | high school heartbreak

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Jin and Namjoon were on the way to Yoongi's parents' house, with Holly on a leash walking in front of them. They were bringing him to his parents as Yoongi has asked them to.
His parents' house is only a few blocks away from their own house, so it wasn't that much of a deal. Besides, they wouldn't want to make their position with Yoongi any worse.

Back during high school, when Yoongi didn't have his own apartment, they used to go there nearly everyday. Every time they came, it would go the same:
Yoongi greets them, they don't say anything. They don't ask him anything, they don't care about him at all. All of this started when he told them he started dating Namjoon.

Jin remembers that day clearly. It was somewhere in May, when Namjoon just started dating him. That was the happiest he had ever seen Yoongi.. Till he found his new boyfriend, that is.
That was when he was incredibly jealous of Yoongi. Namjoon, who he had a crush on for over a year, suddenly started dating his best friend. Jin just supported them since he didn't want to hurt Yoongi.. Not that he actually stuck to that promise.

On their way from school, Jin was the one who convinced Yoongi to tell them. He was extra anxious since he was also coming out this way.
Namjoon and Jin had do idea his parents would freak out like that. His parents were always super kind and supportive before.. Before, when he got straight A's and dated girls.

He recalls the small boy ringing the doorbell and flashing a quick gummy smile towards them before his mom opened the door.
'Yoongi! There you are.. You should've informed us that you were hanging out with your friends!' His mom smiled at Namjoon and Jin.
'Mom, I actually wanted to tell you something.'
'Can't it wait for now? The chicken is almost burning..' She nervously tapped her feet.

'It's really important, miss Min.' Namjoon smirked, showing his dimples.
'Okay, tell me then.'
'I-I'm..' Yoongi took a deep breath. 'Namjoon.. Is more than just a friend.'
'What do you mean..?' Her smile disappeared and her face got pale.
'He's my boyfriend.' Yoongi was distraught by his mom's facial expression.

'What did you say?' His father joined them. 'Yoongi, don't say stupid things. We know you're smart.'
'Dad, I'm telling the truth!'
'That.. That is not the truth! You're a boy!' His dad grabbed him by his shirt. 'Boys like girls.'
'Please dad, don't you understand? I'm gay.'

He smacked Yoongi right in front of everyone, not considering anyone around them.
'Don't you dare come here again.. You disappointment!' He slammed the door shut, leaving his sobbing son alone.
Namjoon ran to him and quickly comforted him, while Jin balled his fists together. How could they do that to him?

Jin was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Namjoon talking to him.
'Jin?!' Namjoon put his hand on his shoulder, startling him.
'I'm sorry, what'd you say?' Jin shook his head and got a grip of reality.
'I said is Yoongi moving in with Hoseok?'
'Oh, I have no idea.' Jin sighed. 'He rarely tells me anything lately.'

'By the way, Jin.' Namjoon changed the topic. 'Remember to never mention his new boyfriend. If they ask, tell them he's single.'
'Yeah, for sure.' Jin nodded. That only seems about right, he didn't want his parents to upset Yoongi again.

When they arrived after about 10 minutes, Jin rang the doorbell. The memories of this house gave him chills, he hadn't been here since.. He can't even remember!
'Hello Seokjin! I haven't seen you in a long time..' Yoongi's mother sadly smiled. His mom has no idea that Namjoon and Jin aren't friends with Yoongi anymore.

All the years that Yoongi was alone, he never got the courage to tell his parents what they had done. How could he tell his parents that the only friends he had betrayed him? He did tell them that he broke up with Namjoon, but he never told them why.

'Hello miss Min.' Namjoon spoke monotonous. 'We came by to drop Holly off here.'
'Oh, is Yoongi not home?' She furrowed her eyebrows. 'Where is he?'
'He-He is at a friend's house!' Jin nervously laughed.
'What friend? Is he dating someone?'
'No, he's single.' Namjoon quickly said before Jin could screw it up. 'They're just friends.'

'And.. You are a couple now?' She blankly stared at them.
'..Yes.' Jin sighed.
Shit. Is she gonna be mad at us for dating now?
'So after you broke up with my son..' She pointed towards Namjoon. 'You started dating his best friend? Does Yoongi know that?'
'He does.' Jin replied. 'He's okay with it.'
'Hmm, okay.' She glared at them. 'Well, thank you for bringing Holly here. Have a good night.' She shut the door when they walked away.

'Jesus fucking christ.' Jin rolled his eyes. 'They are like, the most homophobic people I have ever seen.'
'Tell me about it.. Looks like they haven't changed at all.'

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