36 | sleep paralysis

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'Dad?!' Yoongi quickly pushed himself off Hoseok when he saw someone sitting in the corner of the room.
'You finally woke up..' He walked towards him. 'Jin just left.'
'I-I'm sorry about..' He looked at Hoseok who was still sleeping.
'It's okay.' He sat down next to him.
'Your mom already told me.' He sighed. 'It's not my decision to make.'
'What the fuck..' Yoongi muttered under his breath. What was up with him all of the sudden?

'Did you get into a fight? What happened to you..?'
'It's.. It's complicated.' Yoongi fidgeted with his fingers.
'I wanted to bring Holly here but they wouldn't allow him inside.' His dad chuckled. 'We're taking good care of him.'
'I'm glad he's with mom.'
'Yeah! Yeah.. Listen, I have to go.' He nervously checked his watch.
'You have to go already?'
'I'm sorry Yoongi, it's urgent.'
'Oh.. Okay, it's fine.' Yoongi smiled towards him.

'Please.. Be careful. Your mom and I were really worried when we got a call from the hospital.' His dad embraced him for a hug.
'Why are you so nice to me all of the sudden?'
'I've realized that we should have supported you.. You are our only son.. And.. We're sorry for what we've done.' He let go of Yoongi and walked away without looking back even once.

'..Hobi.' Yoongi tugged on his shirt, waking him up. 'My dad was here.'
'What..? Why?'
'He was apologizing.' Yoongi scoffed. 'I didn't buy any of it.'
'Why not? Aren't you happy that you get to start over again?'
'It was obviously just an act.. He was just sitting there watching me cling on your body.'
'That means he's okay with it! Stop worrying about it.' Hoseok got up and started putting on his jacket after checking the time.

'Where are you going?' Yoongi pouted.
'Meeting up with Jin.' Hoseok looked at the pouty boy. 'I'm sorry baby, I have to.'
'Jin? What are you gonna do?'
'That's a surprise.' Hoseok smirked and kissed him on his cheek before leaving him alone.

Yoongi sighed deeply and grabbed his phone. He didn't want to be alone but he didn't want Hoseok to waste his time on him either. When he checked his phone he had two messages from an unknown number and one from Namjoon. He didn't feel like replying to any of them, so he put his phone back on the nightstand beside the table.

He still didn't understand why he had to stay at the hospital if the damage was so minuscule. If Hoseok hadn't dragged him here he would've been at home with no complaints or anything.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
'Uh.. Come in?' Yoongi quickly pulled the blanket over himself.
'Breakfast!' A smiling nurse walked in and put an organized breakfast on his nightstand. 'I'll come pick this up in two hours.'
Yoongi nodded at her and waited till she walked away. He didn't really feel hungry anyways so he'll just leave it like that.

Yoongi rested his head on the pillow again and closed his eyes. He just needs to sleep till Hoseok comes back.. When will Hoseok come back? And since when does he hang out with Jin?
He grabbed his headphones and put them on the loudest volume, forcing himself to fall asleep again.

He was undisturbed for about two hours till the nurse came back, who was looking worried. He hadn't even touched his breakfast, but she didn't want to wake him up so she just left. Usually, the doctor commands the nurses to force the patients to eat every meal, but Yoongi seemed to be sleeping so deeply, she didn't want to wake him up.

Another hour had passed and his headphones were disconnected from his phone because of how much he turned in his sleep. Even so, he was still knocked out sleeping.

'Yoongi hyung..' A soft voice was ringing in his ears. Hoseok never calls him that.. Who's voice was that? He slowly opened his eyes.
'Jimin?' Yoongi stared at the boy bend over his bed. He tried to sit up but couldn't get his body to listen.
'Oh, Yoongi.. It pains me to see you here.' Jimin looked at him closely and caressed his cheek. 'If you were with me I'd keep you safe at all times..'

Yoongi tried to speak but the words wouldn't leave his mouth.
'I'll never let anyone hurt you again hyung.. Not your father, not Jihyun and not Namjoon.' He snickered and ran his hand over Yoongi's chest. 'I'll make them suffer.' He whispered in his ear, followed by a soft chuckle.

Jimin laid down next to him where Hoseok had slept earlier. No matter how much Yoongi tried to push him away, his body didn't nudge. He could physically feel Jimin wrapping his arms around him, but he couldn't get himself to push him away.. Almost like he was trapped inside of his own body.

'Sleep well my Yoongi..' Jimin pressed his lips against the older's before Yoongi fell asleep again.


'Are you okay Yoongi? What the fuck?' Namjoon shook his shoulders, waking him up.
'Oh my god.' Yoongi felt his eyes tearing up. 'It was just a dream..'
Namjoon sat down next to him to comfort him. 'It's okay, it's over now.'
'It seemed so real.' Yoongi dug his face into Namjoon's chest without giving it a second thought. Namjoon was surprised at first, but he soon enough hugged him back while trying to make out what he was saying. His voice was muffled and he kept choking on his tears. The only things he could make out was 'Jimin' and 'Kiss'

'You kissed Jimin?' Namjoon stared at the sobbing boy in front of him. Everyone always thinks of Yoongi as a careless or cold person, but Namjoon has learned a lot about him in the time they were dating.
Yoongi nodded softly.
'Did you break up with Hoseok?'
'No! No.. I don't like Jimin, okay?' Yoongi gritted his teeth. He didn't want to talk about Jimin any longer, that dream was way too real.. Was it a dream?

'Yoongi.. I came here to tell you something.'
'..What?' Yoongi came to his senses and realized it was Namjoon he hugged, it was him he bawled his eyes out for.. Now he felt stupid.
'I know that it seems like I used you.. But what we had at first was real.'
Yoongi thought back of the time they were dating. It did seem like they loved each other.. Until all of the sudden their connection was gone. That was probably the time he started seeing Jin as well.

'Your point is..?'
'I hope you realize that I do care about you, as much as you despise me for all the things I have done.'
Yoongi felt euphoric but at the same time he still felt empty. He has gotten two apologies today and both of them felt faked.. Why was everyone sorry all of the sudden? Is it because he's in the hospital?

'I-I don't know what to say..' Yoongi took a deep breath. 'I want you back in my life.. But Hoseok..'
'I get it.' Namjoon sighed. 'I've ruined it.'
'I really missed talking to you Namjoon.. I just can't do this to Hoseok.'
'Maybe someday Hoseok will forgive me.' Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples. 'But for now, I'm happy with this.'

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